Compare encoding and decoding with msgPack and native browser JSON. Typescript, webpack is used. Used msgpack implementation isn't module, just simple js file, hence typings for Typescript and ES6 module definition is added.
$ cd msgpack-json-test
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Open public/index.html in browser, wait (around minute for IE, about 30s in others) for result.
in Chrome on Intel i7 2. generation
Testing object
50 0000 x encode same object - MsgPack: 2122 ms JSON: 596 ms
50 0000 x decode same object - MsgPack: 1958 ms JSON: 1061 ms
Testing for array of 50 000 object copies
encode - MsgPack: 4307 ms JSON: 1479 ms
decode - MsgPack: 13114 ms JSON: 2758 ms
In IE (only test for 5000 operations, more freeze the browser)
5000 x encode same object - MsgPack: 1024 ms JSON: 92 ms
5000 x decode same object - MsgPack: 830 ms JSON: 60 ms
In Edge (only test for 5000 operations, more freeze the browser)
5000 x encode same object - MsgPack: 4197 ms JSON: 79 ms
5000 x decode same object - MsgPack: 2679 ms JSON: 7 ms