1) Docker engine version >= 18.02.0+
2) Docker-compose version >= 2.15.1
the telegraf collection agent is configured as a tcp server. It collects metrics using the tcp client which is coded in c++ qt. Prometheus allows data collected by telegraf to be exposed to the grafana service
$ https://github.com/MiroYld/grafana-monitoring.git
$ cd grafana-monitoring
$ docker-compose up --build
You can check the proper functioning of the stack via the following urls:
prometheus: http://localhost:9090/graph
grafana : http://localhost:3000/
login grafana: admin
password grafana: admin
The url to use for the datasource in grafana
datasource: http://prometheus:9090
you can enter
socket_listener{card="1"} or socket_listener{card="2"}
in the prometheus query to display the result
There is only one label available at the moment which is