This project is supported on Linux. Not tested on Windows or macOS..
In order to get started clone this repository:
git clone
This project requires python3 and pip
This project requires the following Python dependencies:
- PySimpleGUI
- Numpy
- OpenCV
To download all the dependencies, simply run scripts/
using the command:
python3 scripts/
if for any reason the script fails to install any dependency, manually install them using the following commands:
pip install PySimpleGUI
pip install pycda
pip install opencv-python
pip install numpy
Run the app using the following
python3 src/
This project has 4 buttons. They are:
Explanation on Buttons:
Here you can select any image from your computer and open it to run the automated crater detection. Results will be outputted to a CSV in the directory
you specify.
Performs automated crater detection on a sample image from PyCDA. Useful to see how detailed results can be with error correction.
Allows the user to select any image from their computer and draw on it. Useful to manually draw craters on an image or to cross out craters that the program has incorrectly identified. Note: to use this feature, you must select the image you wish to draw on when the program starts.
Allows the user to exit the program. The user can also press the x at the top right to quit the program.
See a demo of the app here