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Mixnode Node.js SDK


The Mixnode Node.js SDK allows you to easily integrate the Mixnode REST APIs into your Node.js application.


  • Node.js version 4 and above.
  • A Mixnode API key from a registered user on the Mixnode portal.


npm install mixnode-node-sdk --save


Follow this tutorial to see a step-by-step guide and examples of how to use the Mixnode Node.js SDK.

Get the API key from Mixnode portal

  • Create an account on Mixnode.
  • If already registered, then login and navigate to api key page.
  • Dashboard -> Choose API from left menu -> Note the API key.
  • Or, directly navigate to to find your API key.


This SDK comes with basic authentication over HTTPS which requires you to pass your Mixnode API key using a config file or as a json object during SQL client instantiation.

Basic Authentication

This type of token is given directly to the application.

var Mixnode = require('mixnode-node-sdk');

// Create an instance of the Mixnode SQL Client
const SQLClient = new Mixnode.SQLClient({
    api_key: 'XXXXXX' // add your API KEY here; available at

Note that api_key can also be passed as a JSON object in a config file to avoid specifying the key in the code. Please see Examples

Quick Start

const Mixnode = require('./../src/index');
const config = require('./config.js');

const SQLClient = new Mixnode.SQLClient(config);

// Gets 10 urls and their title from homepages table
SQLClient.execute('SELECT url, title from homepages LIMIT 10')
.then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {

SQLClient's execute functionality

SQLClient.execute is an asynchronous operation which returns a promise object either resolving as a response or error which could then be obtained using then or catch statements.

SQLClient.execute can accept upto four parameters : query, vars (optional), inputLimit (optional), timeout (optional). Please see various Examples for usage details.
SQLClient.execute(query).then((response) => {
	// Do somethere here with the response
}).catch((err) => {
	// Do something with the exception
SQLClient.execute(query, vars).then((response) => {
	// Do somethere here with the response
}).catch((err) => {
	// Do something with the exception
SQLClient.execute(query, vars, inputLimit).then((response) => {
	// Do somethere here with the response
}).catch((err) => {
	// Do something with the exception
SQLClient.execute(query, vars, timeout).then((response) => {
	// Do somethere here with the response
}).catch((err) => {
	// Do something with the exception
SQLClient.execute(query, vars, inputLimit, timeout).then((response) => {
	// Do somethere here with the response
}).catch((err) => {
	// Do something with the exception

SDK debugging

  • Turning on the debug mode logs the HTTP requests being sent to the Mixnode API.
  • This is useful to verify if the queries being sent are correct.
  • This is useful to verify if the execution is in progress.
/* Setting debug to true logs the state of the application.
Do not use this in production.

SDK error explanation

SQLClient.execute(query).then((response) => {
	// Do somethere here with the response
}).catch((error) => {
	// Do something with the exception
Error attributes
  • error.code => Mixnode specified error code.
  • error.statusCode => Http status code of the error.
  • error.message => Message received from backend or due to exception caused in SDK code.
  • => SDK specified generic name of the error.
  • error.status => Status of the query at the time of the error.
  • error.stack => Stack trace of the error

Examples: Mixnode SQL Client


SQL API Documentation

You can get the full documentation for the API on the Mixnode SQL API reference


[email protected]