It's a work in progress that you can see there.
doesntwork.txt contains all known examples that either can't build or crash, with details.
Works by topics: look for the Cxx topic you want from VTK Examples.
Then use Generator to create examples:
cd Generator
./ <path_to_vtk> sources/<topic_name> ../<topic_name>
It's now time to use vtk-wasm docker image to build and try your example !
cd ../<topic_name>
docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v $PWD:/work -it kitware/vtk-wasm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja \
-DVTK_DIR=/VTK-install/Release/lib/cmake/vtk \
cmake --build .
Now that your example was built, you only have to start a web server to get it from your browser
cd build
python -m http.server 2000
Open browser at localhost:2000 and boom (well... If you have the chance to have built a working example) !