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11: Testing the Moesif Developer Portal

Dylan Frankcom edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

Testing out all of the moving parts of the Developer Portal is crucial to making sure everything is working as intended. A lot is going on across multiple platforms so it makes sense to double-check that nothing was missed during the setup process.

To start, navigate to your developer portal in the browser, and at the Home Screen of the Developer Portal click the Sign Up button in the top right. On the form that appears, create your user, select a product, and complete the checkout process, and then you should land in the Dashboard screen of the Developer Portal. At this point, you can confirm a few things that apply to your setup:


In Auth0, on the User Management > Users screen, you should see your newly created user present, tracked by their email.


In the Okta console, on the Directory > People screen, you should see your newly created user present, tracked by their email.


In Stripe, on the Customers screen, you should also be able to see your newly created user as well, tracked by their email. If you click on the customer, you should also be able to see their subscription. The subscription should match the one selected in the sign-up flow in the Developer Portal


In Kong, under Consumers, you should also see your new user added. For this entry, you should also see the custom_id field with the Stripe customer ID as well (will resemble cus_123abc).


With the amount of moving parts in the AWS implementation for the Moesif Developer Portal, it’s important to ensure that everything functions as intended.

Log the current user out of the Moesif Developer Portal if you have one logged in. Execute the following steps to confirm that the flow is working as intended:

  • In the Moesif Developer Portal, log in with an existing user OR create a new user, log out, and log back in.
  • Next, go to the Keys screen in the developer portal
  • From the Keys screen, generate a new key and copy it onto your clipboard
  • Navigate to and go to the Debugger screen. Paste the key into the debugger and ensure that both the Stripe Customer and Subscription ID have been added to the token’s data under the stripeCustomerId and stripeSubscriptionId fields. For example, your payload data should look like this:
 "stripeCustomerId": "cus_OXDy3IqRlUfHOz",
 "stripeSubscriptionId": "sub_1Nk9WyCUAiurhyBq9qUzE9w1",
 "iss": "",
 "sub": "auth0|64ecdd7f90d5900e79704f1e",
 "aud": [
 "iat": 1693487303,
 "exp": 1693573703,
 "azp": "VFgqgySNsjhRJCl5DjsU6niftMDxIByT",
 "scope": "openid profile email offline_access"

Once the Stripe info is confirmed in the token, send a request to your AWS Gateway endpoint and confirm that the API call shows up in the Live Event Log in Moesif. The API call should have the Stripe Customer and Subscription ID added in the Moesif User and Company fields, respectively. Lastly, add an invalid token (the easiest thing to do is remove a few characters from your existing token to invalidate it) and ensure that the AWS Lambda Authorizer we added also rejects any unauthorized calls.


After you create a key in the next step, head to the Tyk Dashboard, under System Management > Keys you should see a new key created. You should see the Alias / Key Hash Value associated with a Stripe customer ID (will resemble cus_123abc).