This is a simple Weather API project built with .NET Core, implementing clean architecture principles. The API fetches weather data from an external weather API, stores it in a PostgreSQL database, and provides CRUD operations via HTTP endpoints.
This project follows a clean architecture approach with the following folder structure:
- WeatherApi.Application: Contains service classes and interfaces that implement business logic for fetching and managing weather data.
- WeatherApi.Domain: Contains entities representing the application's core objects and interfaces for repositories.
- WeatherApi.Infrastructure: Contains repository classes and database context that interact with PostgreSQL.
- WeatherApi.API: Contains the API controllers that expose endpoints to interact with the application.
To run this project, you need the following:
- .NET 8.0 SDK or later
- PostgreSQL database
- API key for weather data (e.g., OpenWeatherMap or similar service)
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd weather.APi