A simple python script that offers multiple simple implementations for encryption techniques. Done as a project for ASU 2020, Computer and Network Security course.
Supported Encryption Techniques:
- Playfair Cipher
- Hill Cipher
- Vernam Cipher
- Vigenere Cipher
- Ceasar Cipher
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Install the requirements using the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
or if you are using python venv:
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
you can get the list of paramters using the following:
python -m encryption --help
venv\Scripts\python.exe -m encryption --help
python -m encryption --help
usage: __main__.py [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [--caesarCipherEncrypt]
[--vigenereCipherEncrypt] [--vernamCipherEncrypt]
[--hillCipherEncrypt] [--playfairCipherEncrypt]
[--DESEncrypt] [--DESDecrypt] [--AESEncrypt] [--AESDecrypt]
A simple python script that offers multiple simple impementation for
encryption techniques.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Path to input file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to output file. (default: output.txt)
selects 'caesarCipherEncrypt' as the encryption
technique to use. (parameters: key size (shift),
default: 3)
selects 'vigenereCipherEncrypt' as the encryption
technique to use. (parameters: mode(0: repeating, 1:
auto), key)
selects 'vernamCipherEncrypt' as the encryption
technique to use. (parameters: key)
--hillCipherEncrypt selects 'hillCipherEncrypt' as the encryption
technique to use. (parameters: key matrix (elements
seperated by ',', e.g. 5,17,8,3))
selects 'playfairCipherEncrypt' as the encryption
technique to use. (parameters: key)
--DESEncrypt selects 'DESEncrypt' as the encryption technique to
use. (parameters: key(16 Hex Chars), Number of rounds)
--DESDecrypt selects 'DESDecrypt' as the encryption technique to
use. (parameters: key(16 Hex Chars), Number of rounds)
--AESEncrypt selects 'AESEncrypt' as the encryption technique to
use. (parameters: Key (32 Hex characters))
--AESDecrypt selects 'AESDecrypt' as the encryption technique to
use. (parameters: Key (32 Hex characters))
Source: https://github.com/TheDigitalPhoenixX/Encryption-Techniques
Classical Ciphers:
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Caesar/caesar_plain.txt" -o caesar_3.txt --caesarCipherEncrypt 3
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Caesar/caesar_plain.txt" -o caesar_6.txt --caesarCipherEncrypt 6
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Caesar/caesar_plain.txt" -o caesar_12.txt --caesarCipherEncrypt 12
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Hill/hill_plain_2x2.txt" -o hill_2x2.txt --hillCipherEncrypt 5,17,8,3
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Hill/hill_plain_3x3.txt" -o hill_3x3.txt --hillCipherEncrypt 2,4,12,9,1,6,7,5,3
py -m encryption -i "input examples/PlayFair/playfair_plain.txt" -o playfair_rats.txt --playfairCipherEncrypt rats
py -m encryption -i "input examples/PlayFair/playfair_plain.txt" -o playfair_archangel.txt --playfairCipherEncrypt archangel
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Vernam/vernam_plain.txt" -o vernam_txt --vernamCipherEncrypt SPARTANS
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Vigenere/vigenere_plain.txt" -o vigenere_true.txt --vigenereCipherEncrypt 1 aether
py -m encryption -i "input examples/Vigenere/vigenere_plain.txt" -o vigenere_false.txt --vigenereCipherEncrypt 0 pie
py -m encryption -i "input examples/des.txt" -o des_1.txt --DESEncrypt 0000000000000000 1
py -m encryption -i "input examples/des.txt" -o des_2.txt --DESEncrypt 0000000000000000 2
py -m encryption -i "input examples/des_decrypt_1.txt" -o des_decrypt_1.txt --DESDecrypt 0000000000000000 1
py -m encryption -i "input examples/des_decrypt_2.txt" -o des_decrypt_2.txt --DESDecrypt 0000000000000000 2
py -m encryption -i "input examples/aes.txt" -o aes.txt --AESEncrypt 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
py -m encryption -i "input examples/aes_decrypt.txt" -o aes_decrypt.txt --AESDecrypt 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
- Visual Studio Code - Code Editor
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Mohamed Said Sallam - Main Dev - TheDigitalPhoenixX
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project and their work in CONTRIBUTORS.md.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details