The commands listed below are a good starting point for any developer, but to fully realize the benefits, you should master parameters and other methods as well, I hope enjoy it
some suggest for better use for Powershell
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check your version Powershell
PSVersion 7.1.14409.1018
command | Alies | Description |
Set-Location | cd,chdir,sl | Sets the current working location to a specified location |
Get-Location | pwd | Gets information about the current working location |
Rename-Item | ren | Renames an item in a PowerShell |
Get-ChildItem | ls | Gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations |
Copy-Item | cp | Copies an item from one location to another |
New-Item | ni | create item in directory |
move-item | mv | move your file |
Get-item | gi | get items |
remove-item | rmdir,del | deletes your directory or the specified items. |
New-Item | mkdir,md | create new directory |
write-output | echo | displaying lines of text & create |
Clear-Content | clc | The Clear-Content cmdlet deletes content files |
Get-Content | cat,gc | displaying lines of text & create |
cipher | Displays or alters the encryption of directories and files on NTFS |
command | Alies | Description |
Format-Table | ft | formatting of the output of your Windows PowerShell commands |
Get-Process | gps | get all process your cpu |
Get-Package | get all program | |
Install-Package | install any program | |
Uninstall-Package | Uninstall any program | |
Start-Process | start,saps | open any format file |
Get-PSDrive | gdr | display all disk drive |
Stop-Process | kill | stop process cpu |
Clear-Host | cls,clear | clear terminal command |
Get-Service | gsv | displaying all services |
comptible for windows server
command | Alies | Description |
systeminfo | displaying all information compotents | |
powercfg | Powercfg is a very powerful command for managing and tracking how your computer uses energy. | |
chkdsk | will immediately scan the drives, without a need to restart the computer | |
schtasks | will immediately scan the drives, without a need to restart the computer | |
Format | Will Full Format disk drive | |
taskkill | You can force stop a program using taskkill -im followed by the executable's name | |
full shutdown | shutdown/s | full sutdown pc |
Restart-Compute | shutdown/r | Restart pc |
command | Description |
ping | can reach some destination IP address or domain name |
pingpath | analyzes the route taken and computes packet loss on a per-hop basis |
ipconfig | most-used networking command & shows every network adapter on your system |
Getmac | get mac address on your system |
tracert | tracks the route of the packet as it hops from server to server |
netsh | tool for network statistics, diagnostics |
arp | displays the current ARP on your network |
nslookup | For regular folks like you and me, its main use is finding out the IP address behind a certain domain name |
command | Description |
R | read-only access |
W | write-only access |
C | change (write) |
F | full access (Full control) |
N | no access |
M | modify access |
RX | read and execute access |
D | delete access |