This is my project repository , showcasing my journey with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. All the projects shared here are done by me , with the help of everyone in the AI community including Developers and contributors of the Deep Learning Frameworks like Tensorflow, Pytorch, pyhton libraries like pandas, numpy,matplotlib,Sci-kit learn and the authors of the educational content and people who answer questions in web forums like stackoverflow, reddit, etc.
Notoble projects :
Detection of safety gear worn by workers and machinary in a construction site :
Youtube link : construction site object detection - YouTube
Dataset link : Construction Site Safety Object Detection Dataset
description : In this project , YOLOv5 model to trained to identify safety gear of construction workers and machinary used in construction.
Facemask Detection :
Dataset link : COVID Face Mask Detection Dataset | Kaggle
Description : this project trains a model to detect difference between images of people wearing a facemask and people without facemask.