Generate attack traffics from a pcap file or by executing a script to a specific target
Install some dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev tcpreplay
pip3.10 install -r requirements.txt
pip3.10 install netifaces
pip3.10 install paramiko
pip3.10 install mechanize
Set permission for tcpreplay to access to the interface:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw=eip /usr/bin/tcprelay-edit
cd mmt-attacker/
python src/ <attack_id> <argument-01> <argument-02> <argument-03>
python3.8 src/ ssh-bruteforce-attack 22 montimage "mmtbox","mmt2nm","montimage"
python3.10 src/ sql-injection-attack data[name]
python3.10 src/ sql-injection-attack data[name] \"\; DROP TABLE USERS\"
python3.10 src/ slowloris -p 80 -s 100
python3.10 src/ [attack_id] [target_ip_or_hostname]
List available attack-ids:
For example, to execute the Ping of Dead attack:
python3.10 src/ 51-ping-of-death
Open and modify the src/attacks.json
file with the required informations:
For a pcap based attack
"attackId":"pcap-attack-71", # Unique ID to identify the attack
"attackName":"HTTP version is not correct", # Name of the attack - can be use to show on a dropdown menu
"description":"Detect a request which has a HTTP version is not normal", # Description of the attack - describe what is the attack about, etc...
"attackType": "pcap", # Type of the attack - support: pcap - attack based on a pcap file, script - attack by executing a script
"pcapFileName": "71.http_version.pcap", # pcap file name which contains the attack -> the pcap file must be placed in location: src/pcaps/
"destIP": "", # The destination of the attack (target IP) in the original pcap file (can be found by using Wireshark - or MMT security)
"destPort": 80 # The target port of original pcap file
For a script based attack
"attackName":"SSH BruteForce Attack",
"description":"SSH BruteForce Attack",
"attackType": "script",
"scriptFileName": "", # The script that will be execute to generate the attack - must be placed in location: src/scripts/
"exeApp": "python3.10" # The execute application to launch the attack, depends on the script: python, node, or sh (shell),
"extraParametersHelper": "<targetIP> <targetPort> <username> <password1[,password2,password3]>" # the helper to show to guide user how to use this attack
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