Forge ZKsync Standard Library is a collection of helpful contracts and libraries for use with Forge and Foundry ZKsync. It leverages Forge's cheatcodes to make writing tests easier and faster, while improving the UX of cheatcodes.
Learn how to use Forge-ZKsync-Std with the 📖 Foundry ZKsync Book.
forge install Moonsong-Labs/forge-zksync-std
import {Test, console2 as console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {TestExt} from "forge-zksync-std/TestExt.sol";
contract FooTest is Test, TestExt {
function testZkTraceOutputDuringCreate() public {
vm.startPrank(address(65536)); // normal foundry cheatcodes
new Contract1();
vmExt.zkVmSkip(); // additional foundry-zksync cheatcodes
new Contract2();
import {Test, console2 as console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {ScriptExt} from "forge-zksync-std/ScriptExt.sol";
contract FooScript is Script, ScriptExt {
function deployTwoUserMultisig() public {
Factory factory = new Factory(multisigBytecodeHash);
// Mark the bytecode as a factory dependency
// Deploy the account using the factory