This repository contains the complete user interface (UI) source code for a FiveM turf system resource. The UI code is designed to interact with the FiveM resource's backend via defined APIs and locally for development purposes.
Note: This repository does not include server-side or core gameplay logic, which is maintained in a separate repository.
Gang Management
Roster Management: Allows users to view and manage gang members, including recruiting new members and setting roles.
Roster Table: Displays a list of gang members with details such as name, role, and online status.
Recruitment: Users can recruit nearby players into the gang.
Role Management: Users can set roles for gang members.
Turf Management
Turf Overview: Displays information about the gang's turfs, including current control status and potential upgrades.
Map Integration: Uses Leaflet to display a map with gang turfs, allowing users to view and interact with them.
Turf Actions: Provides actions related to turfs, such as viewing detailed information and finding turfs on the map.
Multi-language Support
Clone the repo
Navigate to the web folder
cd web
Install NPM packages
npm install
Run locally
npm run start