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Repository files navigation


Storage of sports team and players data

Version: 0.0.1

Get Started

With Docker

  1. Install Docker

  2. Download deploy file

  3. Execute the command

    "docker compose -f ^path to downloaded file^ up"


  1. Install JRE 8

  2. Install PostgresQL

  3. Download LiderIt.jar

  4. Excecute:

    "java -jar LiderIt.jar ^user^ ^password^>"

if you don't want automatically generated bd:

  1. Execute createUser.sql

  2. Execute createDB.sql

  3. Execute:

    "java -jar LiderIt.jar"




Table of Contents





Get list of teams

GET /sports/teams
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 204 empty
  • Response example{1}:
id name sportKind creationDate
1 Barcelona Football 1899-11-29
2 Avangard Hockey 1950-11-07

Table of Contents

Get list of teams and filtered by sportKind

GET /sport/teams/filters/sport-kinds
  • Parameters:
Name Type Required Description Example
sportKind String(query) True Kind of sport Football
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 204 empty
  • Response example{1}:
id name sportKind creationDate
1 Barcelona Football 1899-11-29
2 Manchester United Football 1879-01-01

Table of Contents

Get list of teams and filtered by date.

GET /sport/teams/filters/dates
  • Description:

    Get teams created between startDate and endDate

  • Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Example Format
startDate String(query) True From date 1800-01-01 'yyyy-MM-dd'
endDate String(query) True To date 2000-01-01 'yyyy-MM-dd'
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 204 empty
3 400 application/json
4 400 application/json
  • Response example{1}:
id name sportKind creationDate
1 Barcelona Football 1899-11-29
2 Manchester United Football 1879-01-01
3 Avangard Hockey 1950-11-07
  • Response example{3}:
message date
The endDate cannot be earlier than the startDate [2100-01-01, 2200-01-01] 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368
  • Response example{4}:
message date description
Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.time.LocalDate'; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Failed to convert from type [java.lang.String] to type [@org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam @org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat java.time.LocalDate] for value '220-01-01'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parse attempt failed for value [220-01-01] 2023-03-21T03:38:00.79 220-01-01: incorrect format. Format must be 'yyyy-MM-dd'

Table of Contents

Post a team

POST /sports/teams
  • Request body:
name sportKind creationDate
Barcelona Football 1899-11-29
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 201 application/json
2 400 empty
  • Response example{1}:
id name sportKind creationDate
1 Barcelona Football 1899-11-29

Table of Contents

Put a team by teamId

PUT /sports/teams/{teamId}
  • Description:

    Add team if teamId not found or change team info

  • Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Example
teamId Integer(path) True Numeric id of the team to get 1
  • Request body:
name sportKind creationDate
Barcelona Football 1899-11-29
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 201 application/json
3 400 empty
  • Response example{1}:
id name sportKind creationDate
1 Barcelona Football 1899-11-29
  • Response example{2}:
id name sportKind creationDate
2 Barcelona Football 1899-11-29

Table of Contents

Delete a team by teamId

DELETE /sports/teams/{teamId}
  • Parameters:
Name Type Required Description Example
teamId Integer(path) True Numeric id of the team to get 1
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 204 empty
2 404 application/json
  • Response example{2}:
message date
Team with id:1 not found 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368

Table of Contents

Get players of team by teamId

GET /sports/players/{teamId}
  • Description:

    If team found, return list of players in team

  • Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Example
teamId Integer(path) True Numeric ID of the team to get 1
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 204 empty
3 404 application/json
  • Response example{1}:
id name surname birthDate role
1 Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
2 Arnau Tenas 2001-05-30 Goalkeeper
  • Response example{3}:
message date
Team with id:100 not found 2023-03-21T04:24:28.745

Table of Contents

Get list of players from team by role

GET /sports/players/{teamId}/filters/roles
  • Description:

    If team found get all players and filters them by role

  • Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Example
role String(query) True Name of role Goalkeeper
teamId Integer(path) True Numeric ID of the team to get 1
  • Request body:
name surname birthDate role
Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 201 application/json
2 404 application/json
  • Response example{1}:
id name surname birthDate role
1 Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
  • Response example{2}:
message date
Team with id:1 not found 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368

Table of Contents

Post players to team

POST /sports/players/{playerId}
  • Description:

    If team found, post player to it.

  • Request body:

name surname birthDate role
Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
  • Parameters:
Name Type Required Description Example
teamId Integer(path) True Numeric ID of the team to get 1
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 201 application/json
2 404 application/json
  • Response example{1}:
id name surname birthDate role
1 Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
  • Response example{2}:
message date
Team with id:1 not found 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368

Table of Contents

Change player team

PATCH /sports/players/{playerId}
  • Description:

    If team found and player found changes player team.

  • Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Example
newTeamId Integer(query) True Numeric ID of new team to player 2
playerId Integer(path) True Numeric ID of the player to get 1
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 400 application/json
  • Response example{1}:
id name sportKind creationDate
2 Manchester United Football 1879-01-01
  • Response example{2}:
message date
Team with id:1 not found 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368

Table of Contents

Put new data to the player by teamId

PUT /sports/players/{playerId}
  • Description:

    Change player information. Don't create player, if not found by id

  • Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Example
playerId Integer(path) True Numeric ID of the player to get 1
  • Request body:
name surname birthDate role
Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 200 application/json
2 404 application/json
  • Response example{1}:
id name surname birthDate role
1 Ander Astralaga 2004-03-03 Goalkeeper
  • Response example{2}:
message date
Player with id:1 not found 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368

Table of Contents

Delete a player by playerId

DELETE /sports/players/{playerId}
  • Parameters:
Name Type Required Description Example
playerId Integer(path) True Numeric ID of the player to get 1
  • Responses:
Index Code Response Body
1 204 empty
2 404 application/json
  • Response example{2}:
message date
Player with id:1 not found 2023-03-21T02:56:20.368

Table of Contents


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