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The goal of STRINGDatabaseManipulation is to provide functions for reading in and manipulating STRING protein-protein interaction networks.


Only the development version of STRINGDatabaseManipulation is available.



If you have a question about how to use the package, a request for something new to be implemented, or have a bug, please file an issue.

Getting Data

This package works with preprocessed data from STRING itself.

You can preprocess files from STRING by downloading link detail and alias files. These files are available from the STRING download page. I do not recommend trying to work with the full interaction network across all species, but rather download files for your specific species of interest. For example, you can filter to just the human files.

We can get the files we want at the command line using a tool like wget:

# get the PPI network itself
# get aliases

And then process them so they are easier to use:

# assuming data is in the file, you would do:
ppi_data = process_string_links("9606.protein.links.detailed.v11.5.txt.gz")

# save it for later
saveRDS(ppi_data, file = "tmp_ppi_data.rda")

# process aliases
protein_aliases = process_string_aliases("9606.protein.aliases.v11.5.txt.gz")

# save for later
saveRDS(protein_aliases, file = "tmp_aliases.rda")

This package has smaller versions of the link and data files (10,000 links) saved for examples, both as raw text files, and as package data files. These files have been filtered to those links with an experimental score >= 400, as well as links that include EGFR and TP53.

links_file = system.file("extdata", "STRING11.5_9606_links_raw.txt.gz", package = "STRINGDatabaseManipulation")
ppi_data = process_string_links(links_file)
#>               protein1             protein2 neighborhood fusion cooccurence coexpression
#> 1 9606.ENSP00000001008 9606.ENSP00000354558            0      0           0           69
#> 2 9606.ENSP00000003084 9606.ENSP00000306330            0      0           0            0
#> 3 9606.ENSP00000003084 9606.ENSP00000449404            0      0           0            0
#> 4 9606.ENSP00000005257 9606.ENSP00000353590            0      0           0           51
#> 5 9606.ENSP00000005340 9606.ENSP00000262320            0      0           0           86
#> 6 9606.ENSP00000005340 9606.ENSP00000335677            0      0           0            0
#>   experimental database textmining combined_score
#> 1          835        0        343            890
#> 2          810        0         84            818
#> 3          550        0        875            941
#> 4          653        0         64            664
#> 5          987      900        475            999
#> 6          476        0         87            501

aliases_file = system.file("extdata", "STRING11.5_9606_aliases_raw.txt.gz", package = "STRINGDatabaseManipulation")
ppi_aliases = process_string_aliases(aliases_file)
#>                 string   other                                          type
#> 1 9606.ENSP00000001008    2288                   Ensembl_HGNC_Entrez_Gene_ID
#> 2 9606.ENSP00000001008    2288 Ensembl_HGNC_Entrez_Gene_ID(supplied_by_NCBI)
#> 3 9606.ENSP00000001008                   BLAST_UniProt_DE_RecName_EC
#> 4 9606.ENSP00000001008   FKBP4                            Ensembl_EntrezGene
#> 5 9606.ENSP00000001008  FKBP51                    Ensembl_EntrezGene_synonym
#> 6 9606.ENSP00000001008  FKBP52                    Ensembl_EntrezGene_synonym

Using Data

Now lets actually do something with the STRING data. The most common analysis we want to do is find proteins that interact (directly or indirectly) with one or more query proteins.

We will use the example data from the package.

To filter the data, we can use dplyr to choose which evidence or set of evidences to use a filter. Here we will use combined_score >= 400 (it’s actually already filtered, but this is to show how we can use it).

ppi_filtered = ppi_data |>
  dplyr::filter(combined_score >= 400)
#> [1] 21070    10
#> [1] 21070    10

In this case it doesn’t change the number of interactions, because the data was pre-filtered to make it tractable for inclusion in the package.


Lets take everyone’s favorite cancer gene, TP53, and look for those proteins that experimentally are known to interact with it. We will find the STRING-db ID, and then query everything that is connected to it.

ppi_graph = string_2_tidygraph(ppi_data)
tp53_alias = ppi_aliases |>
  dplyr::filter(other %in% "TP53")
#>                 string other               type
#> 1 9606.ENSP00000269305  TP53 Ensembl_EntrezGene

Now we can go fetch the neighbors of our query protein (n_hops = 0), and find everything that it interacts with. Notice, n_hops = 0! This is because the hops refers to hops over other proteins. To find just the interacting pairs, we are doing 0 hops.

tp53_interactions = find_nodes_n_hops(ppi_graph, n_hops = 0, start_nodes = tp53_alias$string)
#> # A tbl_graph: 322 nodes and 479 edges
#> #
#> # An undirected simple graph with 1 component
#> #
#> # Node Data: 322 × 1 (active)
#>   name                
#>   <chr>               
#> 1 9606.ENSP00000005340
#> 2 9606.ENSP00000011619
#> 3 9606.ENSP00000025008
#> 4 9606.ENSP00000156084
#> 5 9606.ENSP00000212015
#> 6 9606.ENSP00000215754
#> # … with 316 more rows
#> #
#> # Edge Data: 479 × 3
#>    from    to weight
#>   <int> <int>  <dbl>
#> 1     1    51      2
#> 2     1    68      2
#> 3     2    68      2
#> # … with 476 more rows

Here we can see that the returned interactions with TP53 includes another 321 proteins. This is in stark contrast to the maximum of 50 first shell entries returned by the STRING web tool. In addition to the large number of interacting proteins, notice that many of them are connected to each other as well, given the number of edges compared to the number of nodes.

We can also examine, for this limited network, how many genes TP53 interacts with when we allow one protein in between. For this example, this is likely to be lower than the real number, as it is a limited dataset. In reality, TP53 interactors with a single hop is an incredibly large number of interactors that you will want to watch your memory usage.

tp53_onehop = find_nodes_n_hops(ppi_graph, n_hops = 1, start_nodes = tp53_alias$string)
#> # A tbl_graph: 1275 nodes and 2461 edges
#> #
#> # An undirected simple graph with 1 component
#> #
#> # Node Data: 1,275 × 1 (active)
#>   name                
#>   <chr>               
#> 1 9606.ENSP00000001008
#> 2 9606.ENSP00000003084
#> 3 9606.ENSP00000005340
#> 4 9606.ENSP00000011619
#> 5 9606.ENSP00000011653
#> 6 9606.ENSP00000025008
#> # … with 1,269 more rows
#> #
#> # Edge Data: 2,461 × 3
#>    from    to weight
#>   <int> <int>  <dbl>
#> 1     1   676      2
#> 2     2   386      2
#> 3     3   149      2
#> # … with 2,458 more rows

Even with the limited network, we end up with a whopping 1274 proteins that interact one hop out from TP53!

To Do

There are several improvements we have in mind to make to make this package more useful:

Code of Conduct

Note that the ‘STRINGDatabaseManipulation’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


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