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Mother Tongues Blog

Welcome to the Mother Tongues Blog repository.


To contribute to the site, please have a read through the purpose of the Git branches:

  • review (default): Create and continue to work on new posts here. You can spin off extra branches if you want, but you must merge them into review before merging to publish and pushing a new release.
  • publish: Changes made here will build and push to gh-pages.
  • gh-pages: This branch is auto generated from the publish branch. Do not edit this directly, as edits will be overwritten.

Local development

You must have ruby on your machine and bundler.

Then, clone the repo:

git clone

Install all the things:

cd mothertongues-blog && bundle install

Then start the server:

bundle exec jekyll serve

If you want to test out the /admin panel, you must go to admin/config.yml and comment out the three lines under backend and un-comment the three lines that are commented. So, your config.yml in local development should look like this:

  local_backend: true
  name: proxy
  proxy_url: http://localhost:8082/api/v1
  # name: github
  # repo: MotherTongues/mothertongues-blog
  # branch: review # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)

Don't forget to change this back before you push to the site.

Then, run the proxy server for Netlify CMS:

cd ~/mothertongues-blog && npx netlify-cms-proxy-server

Then, you can start the blog server bundle exec jekyll serve and edit posts in the CMS!


Copyright Blog (C) 2020 Aidan,

Copyright Theme (C) 2019 Sal,

Posts are copyrighted by authors!


  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Clone a copy of your fork on your local
  3. Create a branch off of master and give it a meaningful name (e.g. my-new-mediumish-feature).
  4. Make necessary changes, commit, push and open a pull request on GitHub.


This blog was created from a fork of the fantastic WowThemes Mediumish theme

Thank you!