Simple clock, like an LCD watch, for STM32L476 Discovery kit (STM32L476G-DISCO).
Automatic standby mode when 30 s inactivity.
Navigation with joystick to display/set time and date.
UP and DOWN -> scroll through different displays : time, date, week day.
RIGHT -> set time, date or week day. Increase ou decrease values with UP and DOWN. The last RIGHT press save new settings.
LEFT -> escape from set modes without saving.
Press black button (reset) or joystick_center to wake up board.
The board can work with CR2032 battery only : remove jumpers on JP3, JP5 and JP6. Then connect JP5_pin2 (center) with JP6_pin1 (upper).
-> In that case, only MCU STM32L476 is powered and no other accessories as there is no voltage on 3V and 3V3 nets !
Displays are in French.
STM32CubeIDE v.1.18 configurable project with MX .ioc file.
Inspired by ST BSP project :