SOEN 341 Library Project
All team members should clone this repo on their local machine, add their name below by modifying the local readme file, and using git command line to push the edited readme file back to the remote repository.
(hint: for changes done on a local repository to reflect on the remote repository you must use the following three git commands: git add YOUR-FILENAME, git commit -m "YOUR-MESSAGE-STRING", and finally git push)
If you are having difficulties to complete this task we will reserve the last 30mins to go over again how github is to be used for the project in our next meeting (19 October 2018 at 11:30am - 13:00). Team members that feel confident about using github collaboratively can decide to skip the informal github tutorial.
Nicolas Samaha
Joshua Butler
Justin Carrier
Suruthi Raju
Razine Ahmed Bensari
Mohammad Naimur Rashid
Vincent Cerri
Project was done for learning purposes as part of a Software Process undergraduate course.