SquadMC 是基于地图的迫击炮高程和方位角计算器 Squad.
- 目前版本: https://squadmc.ende.pro
- a version for the game Post Scriptum: https://postscriptum.squadmc.ende.pro
- shorter url: https://psmc.ende.pro
- I don't own the game myself, so I need feedback from other players
- check out the postscriptum branch for the code
- map files are stored in another repository: https://github.com/Endebert/squadmc-maps
- 使用高度图和迫击炮弹弹道功能,高度精确的仰角和方位角计算
- 针对移动设备进行了优化
- 快速放置和拖动迫击炮、目标以及FOB标记
- 支持多个迫击炮,目标和FOB标记,并允许在它们之间进行切换
- 最大 & 最小迫击炮范围标识
- 最大构建范围和到下一个FOB的最小距离
- 网格(可切换)
- 坐标计算
- 位置显示(可切换)
- 高度图(可切换)
- you need a recent NodeJS version installed on your machine. Get it here.
- install yarn for a faster installation:
npm install -g yarn
git clone https://github.com/MrSeven590/squadmc.git
cd squadmc
yarn install
For development mode with hot-reload, execute:
yarn run serve
For an optimized build ready for deployment, execute:
yarn run build
The build will be contained in the /dist
- Keypad grid originally based on Leaflet.SimpleGraticule, but not much is left from the original code
- Special thanks to the people over at www.airpressuretendency.net. Their interactive maps were the inspiration for this project.
- UI powered by Vue.js
and Vuetify
- Maps © Offworld Industries, powered by
- Tested with