Plugin for Homebridge to use Arduino (ESP8266) - based home meteostation with HomeKit. With this plugin You can make Your own (DIY) meteostation and connect it to smart home based on Apple HomeKit. Now You can use this characteristics: temperature, humidity, ambient light.
Forked from
Please ask Bardin Petr for any issues
You can use any temperature, humidity, light and motion sensors with controller:
- All Arduino boards with WIFI/Ethernet shield
- ESP8266 boards (WeMo, NodeMCU or generic module)
- Install homebridge using: 'sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge'
- Install this plugin using: 'sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge-meteostation-with-motion-sensor'
- Update your configuration file. See sample-config.json in this repository for a sample.
Configuration sample:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "HomeMeteo",
"name": "Meteostation",
"url": "",
"temp_url": "/temperature",
"humi_url": "/humidity",
"light_url": "/light",
"motion_url": "/motion",
"freq": 1000
Full example You can see in sample-config.json
Name | Description |
url | Main IP address of meteostation's controller |
temp_url | Page for temperature value (to get temprerature will be requested url + temp_url, for example: |
humi_url | Page for humidity value |
light_url | Page for ambient light value (in lux), optional parameter |
motion_url | Page for motion detection value, optional parameter |
freq | Frequency of requests to sensor in ms, optional parameter (standard - 1000 ms) |
Basic connection diagram and Code example for Arduino Uno and ESP8266 You can find in this repository in folder Arduino