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Wordpress Bootstrap

Wordpress Bootstrap is a simple framework I built for myself to help me with developing Wordpress themes. It consists of some utility functions, modules (called "features") and two external plugins (Advanced Custom Fields and Gallery Metabox).

I tried to make it really simple to use. To enable some "feature", include the bootstrap/features.php file and use the bs_configure() function directly inside your functions.php file (no hooks required).


Menus (menus)

Add theme support for menus and create main header menu.

Custom Background (custom-background)

Add theme support for custom backgrounds, but don't print any styles. You can get those styles using the bs_get_custom_background_css() function and print them yourself in the tag. This function only returns the CSS properties, not the selector, so you can choose one yourself (useful if you don't want to style the element directly).

Custom Post Types (custom-post-types)

Simple wrapper around register_post_type. Adds some shortcut parameters, for example name, slug or admin_only.

Post Thumbnails (post-thumbnails)

Add theme support for post thumbnails for selected post types, register custom image sizes.

Remove Admin Links (remove-admin-links)

Remove unnecessary links from admin menu, for example Comments, Posts etc. Useful for non-blog themes to simplify the menu.

Optimize (optimize)

Clean-up wp_head(), optionally remove Emoji support and Admin Bar.

Posts Per Page (posts-per-page)

Set custom number of posts per page per post type. Added fake post type "home", which sets posts per page on HP.

Scripts (scripts) and Styles (styles)

A really useful part of Wordpress Bootstrap. Allows you to simply include needed scripts and styles. Automatically passes URLs through bs_url() function, so you don't need to specify absolute URLs or bother with get_template_directory_uri() etc. But you can, if you want.

Syntax is: "optional name" => [ "url", dependencies, "condition" => condition, "footer" => in footer]

If name is not specified (just numeric index), then everything from start of last / to first . is used as name. You can then use this name in the dependency list. Dependencies can be a string (if only 1), or array if more. Condition can be used to limit, on which pages will the script be enqueued.

Options Pages (options-pages)

Useful tool, which will help you with creating your own options pages.

ACF (acf)

Includes the famous Advanced Custom Fields plugin, you can toggle it's lite mode using the "show_in_admin" flag.

Body Class Slug (body-class-slug)

Add "$post_type-$post_slug" class to the tag. Useful for styling custom pages, but sometimes it is better to create custom page template.

Assets (assets)

If you put your images and other assets in some subdirectory, you can use this feature to simplify your live. It enables function bs_asset() which behaves exactly like bs_url(), but works relative to your asset directory you specified.

More documentation (for Metaboxes and Gallery Metabox) is coming. Feel free to submit PR or Issues.


Simple framework for building Wordpress themes








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