This is video streaming app written for Raspberry Pi.
Of course you can use this app to work with another WebCam, other than RPi.
Package for getting frames is OpenCV so it should work correctly only when you have it installed.
I used Raspbian Stretch Lite to test this apps. In rpi_conf directory you can find files, which you should put in your RPi. ssh file enables connection through 22 port and wpa_supplicant.conf allows you to connect RPi to WiFi.
Firstly you have to download Raspbian, my proposal is to choose Lite version.
Afterwards we have to find SD card, where the system will be. Best choice will be more than 8GB. I tested 8 and 16, memory is fine. On Linux you can find card by this command:
sudo fdisk -l
It will list all devices which are connected. For me it always was /dev/sdc/. Next umount disc, if it gives an error like it isn't mounted, that's fine, don't worry.
sudo umount /dev/sdc
The last point is to copy .img file to SD card. You can use this:
sudo dd bs=1M if=rasbian.img of=/dev/sdc
Of course replace raspbian.img to path to the correct img file of raspbian, which you have already downloaded. Insert the card to Raspberry Pi and chech if everything works. When yes, go to next point.
Put SD card to your computer again, hopefully you will see 2 cards connected named boot and root. Only what you have to do is to copy ssh and wpa_supplicant.conf to boot directory. Don't forget about setting correctly wpa_supplicant in case of right WiFi connection.
Mateusz Rzeczyca
Student - AGH University of Science and Technology
Cracow, Poland
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL3 License - see the file for details