The Solidity code in this repository includes a sample contract that demonstrates its functionality through three public variables: owner
, randomAddress
, and randomNumber
Upon deployment, the owner
variable is set to msg.sender
. The contract also includes two setter functions, setRandomAddress
and setRandomNumber
, which only the owner can call, and a reverts
function that reverts the call with a revert reason of Reverted with revert
While the setRandomAddress
and setRandomNumber
functions use the required modifier to check if the caller is the owner
, they will revert with a reason of Only Owner.
if the caller is not the owner
. However, when attempting to catch this revert reason in the error object, it is not being captured. If you have a solution to this issue, please let me know.
To use ErrorReason, please follow these steps:
- Install dependencies in each folder:
- client:
npm install
- solidity:
npm install
- client:
- Make necessary changes to the environment files in each folder.
- Run the application:
- In solidity:
npm run dev
// for development - In client:
npm start
- In solidity: