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FEECC Academy Demo

This is a virtual stand representing a real-life instance of a FEECC production tracking system. For the purposes of demonstration it lacks some features like label printing or video recording, but it holds the main concept of such a system - transparent production tracking with Web3-proved safety

List of used technologies

Core concept

More info about this system may be found here.

  1. The system contains some production schemas stored in a local DB
  2. The employee authorizes into the system with their RFID card (Omitted here in favor of HID emulator)
  3. They then can select an item to assemble
  4. The entire process is guided and tracked e.g. with a video camera (Omitted here in favor of user confidentiality)
  5. The production data is saved in a decentralized file storage (Here, a local IPFS node is used)
  6. The IPFS CID of unit certificate is securely stored in Robonomics blockchain. Here, local instance of Robonomics Node used



git clone
cd feecc-academy
docker compose up -d --build

It may happen that you already have an IPFS instance or Robonomics Node running on your PC. With that occured, some containers (ipfsnode and robonomics) will fail to start, skip it

To validate containers running use

docker ps -a

You should see the following (ipfs has exited here, since there is a native instance already running)

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS     NAMES
0db8382bb271   feecc-academy-workbench-daemon      "uvicorn app:app --h…"   19 seconds ago   Up 7 seconds (healthy)                       feecc_academy_workbench_daemon
0dbc7bb977d1   feecc-academy-workbench-frontend    "node nodeServer.js"     20 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds (health: starting)             feecc_academy_workbench_frontend
a74fa229eb90   robonomics/robonomics:sha-bd71a23   "robonomics --dev --…"   20 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds (health: starting)             feecc_academy_robonomics_node
0c9e8022658a   mongo:jammy                         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   20 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds (healthy)                      feecc_academy_mongoDB
6b0748904d0f   ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.17.0                "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…"   20 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds (healthy)                      feecc_academy_ipfsnode
814e6f489a77   nyurik/alpine-python3-requests      "tail -f /dev/null"      20 seconds ago   Up 19 seconds                                feecc_academy_hid_emulator


Navigate to localhost:3000, there you will see a welcome screen.

Welcome Screen

In a real factory this requires an employee to put their RFID card on a scanner, since you don't have any, there is a workaround called It is available in a separate Docker container:

docker exec -ti feecc_academy_hid_emulator sh

It has two emulated functions: put an RFID card and scan a barcode. Here, RFID needed, so input 1, this will authorize you in a system.

> Select emulated action (1/2): 
>  1. Put ID card on the RFID scanner.
>  2. Scan a sample barcode with a barcode scanner.
> 1
> INFO:2023-03-21 21:42:05,370:Event relayed to endpoint
> Select emulated action (1/2): 
>  1. Put ID card on the RFID scanner.
>  2. Scan a sample barcode with a barcode scanner.


Here, two schemas are available, let's start with a Single Device

Single Device

The blue message at the bottom acts like a printer, in real conditions, a label with a barcode is printed. Right now the unit number is not important, you can pass through sample production stages which are to be tracked and recorded if needed. Here there are just dummy strings in a certificate.

Single Save Passport

Before clicking Save passport, navigate to a local Robonomics Node, you will need it later.

Back in the FEECC interface, click Save Passport button.

Single Certificate

What happens here is the certificate is uploaded to IPFS along with some tracked data and the CID is stored in Robonomics Network, you may see it in the extrinsics list or recent events.

Single Datalog

Once again, the blue messages illustrates printing the seal tag and QR-code leading to the certificate. The QR-code contains a link to an IPFS gateway with the device certificate. Since your local IPFS node may not have that discoverability, you may reach the file locally with localhost:8080/ipfs/<cid>, but in real life this file is accessible world-wide. The company may then give access to this QR-code to its customers to raise trust level and increase transparency. Another way is to use this certificates in TCD.

Single IPFS

That's so, this system is designed to track production data and securely store in with the help of Web3 technologies. Here, some steps are omitted or simulated in favor of giving you the experience of future production worker, but in real life this system uses various peripheral devices to collect and share data.

Composite devices

It is possible to assemble a composite device, you first need to assemble a Composite Device -> Sample Device (save its unit number) which is a part of a bigger one and then click Composite Device -> Final Assembly, "scan" the unit id ith a hid-emulator (use previously saved unit number) and assemble the final device.

All the unit data is accessible locally in a unit-passports folder.


May you wish to stop the containers for a while, use

docker compose stop

To resume the containers, use

docker compose start


docker compose down --rmi all && docker builder prune -f