Release v02-02 for MuonCollider
External software:
ROOT_version = "6.22.02"
Boost_version = "1.69.0"
Official ILCSoft release v02-02 plus:
MarlinTrkProcessors → v02-11-MC
Added time smearing to the DDPlanarDigiProcessor
Changed histogram range suitable for picosecond-level time resolution
Introduced a time window for digitized hits in the DDPlanarDigiProcessor
Made TOF compensation persistent in the DDPlanarDigiProcessor to match the behaviour in DDCaloDigi
lcgeo → v00-16-06-MC
Added a modified version of the Generic Cal Endcap without cutout
Added support of Z segmentation to ZPlanarTracker class
Revoked ZPlanarTracker. Implemented Z segmentation in a separate plugin: ZSegmentedPlanarTracker
ConformalTracking → v01-10-MC
Add the possibility to do a regional tracking (define a theta range)
LCTuple → v01-12-02-MC
Overlay → v00-22-02-MC
Added a flag disabling the merging of MCParticles
OverlayTiming: Skipping merging of collections that have no integration times configured
OverlayTimingGeneric: Added option to make integration times symmetric
Optimized merging for the BIB from Muon Collider
Added support for lower/upper integration time boundaries in OverlayTimingGeneric
Added mod2 version of the CLIC geometry with reduced gap between ECAL Endcaps and nozzles
Added mod3 geometry with the vertex detector dimnesions similar to the MAP geometry
Added CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 geometry with VTXB segmented along Z
Adjusted the class of the Z-segmented VXD barrel in CLIC_o3_v14_mod4
Added a GDML version of the CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 geometry: nozzles + yoke
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