Here is the list of updates:
- We have added features in the layout editor that allow a user to select nodes and edges based on color and shape in order to edit their visual properties. This functionality is available in conjunction with the features that allowed a user to arrange the positions of the nodes in a variety of shapes.
- We have streamlined the search interface and made it more efficient. During this process, we also disabled support for “Exact” searches: GraphSpace now supports only case-insensitive and substring searches.
- We have brought the JSON format accepted by GraphSpace in line with Cytoscape.js and with Cytoscape.
- To specify a network, we separate the structure of the network (nodes and edges) from the description of the visual styles of the nodes and edges.
- GraphSpace now supports CSS-based Cytoscape.js JSON files for specifying the style of the graph. GraphSpace users can import these files either in the “Upload” section or the “Layout Editor” section.
- We have deprecated support for the JSON format supported only on GraphSpace.
- Concomitant with these changes, we now allow Cytoscape users to export their visually-coded networks from Cytoscape and to import them directly into GraphSpace.
- We added the support for aliases data attribute for nodes. Users can add a list of aliases for a node. These aliases are searchable on search page for graphs.
- We have added support to allow a group owner to invite another person to a group via a signup link.
- To facilitate bulk uploads of networks to GraphSpace, we have implemented the Graphspace_python module that a user can install from PyPI.