Feature Complete RC3
Release Notes MUSES
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Sweden Connectivity
Date: 20140724
Release: Muses Feature Complete
Muses Client
Git: e5db140ec0ec62b003f41c6d1496741f2f0dfbc6
File: MusesClient.apk
Git: 3995e7321d743358298f87e1657f6cbfb791e386
File: MusesAwareApp.apk
Git: 7f6e17ae1dedec60dda08341e1dec8dee2efa3ba
File: common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Git: ab58da87e6aa1f0322587863b6819696f96b11b9
File: server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
Features included
Context event to server (HITEC):
- Open app event sent to server
- Changes in network configurations are sent to the server
- Modifications of observed folders are sent to the server
- App installation, uninstallation and update are sent
- Installed apps are sent
- User feedback on MUSES UI dialogs are sent
- Device protection indicators like a rooted device are sent
- All context informations are transformed to JSON
- Information about the android system and device like the SDK level and the IMEI is sent
- Muses client receives, transforms and sends information from muses aware apps to the server
Polices received from Server (S2):
- Device policy received from the server
- Policy for accessing public asset with unsecure Wi-Fi and secure Wi-Fi
- Policy for accessing confidential asset with unsecure Wi-Fi and secure Wi-Fi
- Policy for virus detected on user device
- Policy for email with and without attachments
Event Processing from Server (S2):
- Implementation of Policy Compliance
- Composition of Access Requests
- Detection of clues associated to access requests
- Detection of Device Security State changes
- Detection of Security Incidents
- Detection of User Feedback
- Implementation of the Decision not the last version
- Creation of RiskTreatment
- Detection of Threats (simulation mode)
- Computing the probability of Threats (simulation mode)
- Computing TrustValue of User (simulation mode)
- Computing TrustValue of the Device (simulation mode)
- SSL support added for spring now.
- Actions fixed for virus found, email
- communication fixed for server not responding
- Tomcat stops responding after a while then need to be restarted.
System tests
- Setup 1
- VirusFound 1
- Setup 2
- OpenInternalAsset 2
- OpenStrictlyConfidentialAsset 2
- OpenSensitiveAsset 2
- VirusFound 2
- SendEmail 2
- SendEmailWAttachment 2
- InstallApplication 2
- 29.19% percent coverage for server project (No failures)
- No test coverage for common project
- 34% (No failures)
Code quality
- Server : Rules Compliance 80%, Violations 660
- Common : Rules Compliance 92.4%, Violations 58
- Client : Lint: 71 issues.