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Feature Complete RC4

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@yasali yasali released this 07 Aug 14:42

Release Notes MUSES
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Sweden Connectivity
Date: 20140807
Release: Muses Feature Complete

Muses Client
Git: 4dcc6d690ad97153eb07a9e4f279bbc97a074c4d
File: MusesClient.apk
Git: 3995e7321d743358298f87e1657f6cbfb791e386
File: MusesAwareApp.apk
Git: 9302d93084239a3b49caa1dc69c8af6534d61d14
File: common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Git: c9ff1b4000e7097d63b42df0cff8d98f3da405aa
File: server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

- Code quality improved (Client/Server=> Connection Manager package) and test coverage improved Connection Manager Server

- Tomcat stops responding after a while then need to be restarted.
- Log4j stops logging after a while (most probably above tomcat problem causing it)
- Mail sensor does not work with tabs.
- No policy received from server for virus found event.
- No policy received for email event (fake or gmail compose email)

- 30.3% coverage for server project (1 failure)
- No test coverage for common project
- 35.1% (No failures)

Code quality
- Server : Rules Compliance 80.5%, Violations 644
- Common : Rules Compliance 92.4%, Violations 58
- Client : Lint: 70 issues.

Feature List MUSES

UC 1 states: “Check of the end user terminal before granting access to company sensitive data on the company intranet”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F1:1Grant/deny access to company sensitive information1Open3%
F1:2Check user device's security level1Open50%
F1:3Check user past usage patterns1Open20%
F1:4Check connection properties1Done0%
F1:5Evaluation of device trust level2Open0%
F1:6Provide ad hoc suggestions to the user1Done0%
F1:7MUSES checks if end user is connected to the company Intranet1Done0%
F1:8MUSES checks Wi-Fi is unsecure1Done0%
F1:9MUSES perform risk analysis. Risk analysis is based on continuously updating the measures of trust levels.1Done0%
F1:10MUSES provides authentication1Done30%
UC 2 states: “Check of the end user terminal before granting access to company sensitive data from the Internet”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F2:1Check potentially unsafe communication settings1Done0%
F2:2Check existence of additional protection features (VPN,…)1Done0%
F2:3Provide ad hoc suggestions to the user: Migrate to a secure network connection1Done0%
F2:4Detection of sensible data insertion (PIN, passwords,…)1Done0%
F2:5Evaluation of current security and risk level1Done0%
F2:6Propose a possible insertion and data transmission method (private place, Setup SSL connection)1Open100%
F2:7Performs all the checks necessary to evaluate the context and uses the results against the company policies associated to the requested asset2Open100%
F2:8Grant/deny access to company sensitive information1Done0%
F2:9MUSES dynamically perform risk analysis. Risk analysis is based on continuously updating the measures of trust levels.1Done0%
UC 3 states: “Dynamic data aggregation within the company intranet”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F3:1Generate specific hints (advices)1Open60%
F3:2Detect asset's sensitivity level2Open100%
F3:3Detection of data aggregation from different sources1Open100%
F3:4Check risk of data combination1Open100%
F3:5Grant/deny access to requested data1Done0%
F3:6Removes sensible information stored into the terminal if the device is not safe.1Done25%
F3:7Assign value to assets1Open
F3:8Perform risk analysis with regard to User's past behaviour1Open0%
UC 4 states: “Dynamic data aggregation from the Internet”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F4:1Change Policy. (A trusted user and terminal remotely change a document policy. A policy is an Asset) 1Open
F4:2Configuration enforcement1Open100%
F4:3Performs more strict evaluation of the device environment1Open
F4:4Actively monitors terminal's configuration within the trusted state1Done100%
F4:5Detects a change of configuration in the system and reverts the terminal to the non-trusted status1Open100%
UC 5 states: “Check-up of the connected terminals/end points (still previously connected)”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F5:1Detection of terminal corruption1Open100%
F5:2Analyse risk of having two active editing sessions on the same asset (Removed from scope matrix)1Open100%
F5:3Understanding the risk that a cross contamination could have happened in the past or is still present1Open100%
F5:4Evaluating the security levels and the interaction models among the devices1Open
F5:5Suspending the task until the terminal has been verified and possibly cleaned1Open
F5:6Invokes cleaning of the stored assets (If no other solution available)2Open100%
F5:7Keep track of all opened and closed assets, multiple devices, Users2Open
UC 6 states: “A non-secure mobile terminal is physically moved to a high-security area”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F6:1Sensing of physical context (GPS, Cell Ids, indoor Wi-Fi)1Open85%
F6:2Sensing of connected peripherals (USB keys)2Open
F6:3Detection of unsatisfied policy requirements1Open7%
F6:5Avoids physical violation of an asset1Open
F6:6Enforce the new configuration on the terminal (making sure physical location is secure)2Open13%
UC 7 states: “Supply chain partner data exchange”
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
F7:1Application installation control1Open16%
F7:2Application execution control1Done0%
F7:3Check communication encryption1Done0%
F7:4Evaluate all communication endpoints (i.e., the company user’s and its supply chain counterparts’ terminals)2Open
F7:5Prevent the sharing of any sensible data to the uncontrolled terminals of the third parties until MUSES is correctly configured1Done0%
F7:6Directly asks to the user to manually do the changes or ask the permissions to do them automatically1Open87%
F7:7Verify partner’s Trustability2Open100%
The general features are not derived from any Use Case, but are essential for the system.
Ref:Feature descriptionPrototypeStatusDelta
G1:1Authenticate user to MUSES1Done0%
G1:2Authenticate device to MUSES1Done0%
G1:3Provide a dashboard for MUSES2Open
G1:4Getting information from antivirus on device1Done0%
G1:5Cooperate with safe storage app on device2Open
G1:6Protect MUSES on device (From tampering)1Done0%
G1:7Provide secure communication between MUSES Server and Clients2Open
G1:8Monitor location details while trying to access a asset2Open
G1:9Send alerts/messages from MUSES - MUSES alerting system2Open
G1:10Local anti-virus detects the infection and alert MUSES local agent2Open
G1:11Protect the DB on the device (Encrypt policies, rules etc.)2Open
G1:12Set device policies ( Windows: Group policy, Android: Google Apps Device Policy, iOS: Mobile Device Management)1Open16%
G1:13Knowledge refinement:Detection of new context event combinations/patterns that might be related to existing corporate policies adapting the associated rules or creating new ones to cope with previously uncoded situations.2Open
G1:14Server GUI for Security Policies / Risk Management2Open
G1:15Anonymize data in server2Open100%
G1:16Register user with MUSES (server and device)2Open33%
G1:17Log information per component2Open100%
G1:18Sensor that are not assigned to a Use Case yet1Open20%
G1:19Get sensor configuration from server2Open66%
G1:20Server Database setup2Open100%
G1:21Context aggregation1Open100%