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Comprehensive (but unofficial) fitbit web-api handler for node-js and browser.

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This library supports both browser and nodejs.


Install via npm or yarn:

npm install @giveback007/fitbit-api
yarn add @giveback007/fitbit-api


NodeJs requires fetch polyfills (not required if running in browser).

// Using ES6 modules
import 'cross-fetch/polyfill';

// Using CommonJS modules

global.FormData = require('form-data');


If a fitbit-user-id isn't passed it will default to the current logged in user.

import { FitbitApi } from '@giveback007/fitbit-api';

const api = new FitbitApi("<access-token>", "<fitbit-user-id>" || "-");

api.user.getProfile().then(profile => console.log(profile));


Automatic Token Refresh

Passing a function as a third argument will enable automatic token refreshing, the function will be called on "expired_token" or "invalid_token" errors.

If the refresh function (one past in as third argument) fails -> returns an error object from fitbit with "expired_token" or "invalid_token".

If new "<access-token>" is successfully retrieved the api will retry the call it first failed on.

new FitbitApi("<access-token>", "<fitbit-user-id>", async () => {
  const newToken = await /* some code retrieving new access-token */;
  return newToken;

List Of Supported Endpoints

Typescript & Intellisense

All data is typed. Api endpoint with more complex interfaces are boiled down to be easier with the use intellisense.

Typescript and intellisense

Error Handling

Successful responses are wrapped in a success object:

    "type": "SUCCESS",
    "isSuccess": true,
    "code": 200,
    "data": {...},
    "response": Response,
    "headers": {
        "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"

And an error response will return an error object:

    "type": "ERROR",
    "isSuccess": false,
    "code": 401,
    "error": { "errors": [{...}], "success": false },
    "response": Response,
    "headers": {
        "content-length": "135",
        "content-type": "application/json"

Date Handling

When inputting a date you will see AnyDate type. The api will convert any date that is a valid date string, number, Date, and a variety of other inputs to fit what the fitbit api asks.

For any unspecified value, like month, day, hour, etc..., it will default to the lowest. Eg: '2021' -> '2021/01/01'

Today and Yesterday will be the beginning of the day. Eg: 'Today' -> 'Dec 23 2021 00:00:00'

type DateObj = { y: number; m?: number; d?: number, hr?: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number };
type AnyDate = string | number | Date | 'today' | 'now' | 'yesterday' | DateObj;

const date = 'today' || 'now' || 'yesterday' // -> ✔️
const date = 1640289705866 // -> ✔️
const date = 'Dec 23 2021 15:00:02' || '2021/12/23' || '2021 12 23' || '2021' ... // -> ✔️
const date = { y: 2021 } || { y: 2021, m: 12, d: 23 } ... // -> ✔️
const date = new Date() // -> ✔️
const date = 'invalid date string' // -> ❌ throw new Error('Invalid Date')
const date = NaN // -> ❌ throw new Error('Invalid Date')


Certain fitbit response headers (such as rate limiting) are unsupported in the browser and therefore are only accessible in nodejs.

Some of these headers are:

  • fitbit-rate-limit-limit
  • fitbit-rate-limit-remaining
  • fitbit-rate-limit-reset


This can't be accessed in the browser since it requires passing in headers that the browser doesn't support.

Make sure to set up subscriber endpoints & list them in fitbit api app credentials To add this to an existing application use the [Edit Application Settings] button.

For more information:

getLogList() & Generators

This library uses generators to load .sleep.getLogList() for /sleep/get-sleep-log-list/ and .activity.getLogList() for /activity/get-activity-log-list/, these endpoints limit data at 100 objects per call and return a "next" link.

To make life easier you can keep calling the to automatically retrieve the next set of data.

const generator = api.activity.getLogList({ beforeDate: 'now' });
// ->
    value: {
        allData: [{...}] // the full data collection of all .next() calls.
        lastResponse: { // the response from this .next() call.
            "type": "SUCCESS",
            "isSuccess": true,
            "code": 200,
            "data": {...}
        totalCalls: 1 // the amount of times .next() is called up to this response.
    done: false // `true` indicates there's no more data to retrieve.

Example of retrieving all data from a generator:

const sleepFor2021 = await (async () => {
  // gets data starting from 2020-01-01
  const generator = api.sleep.getLogList({ afterDate: '2020' });

  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;

    if (value.lastResponse.type === 'ERROR')
      throw new Error('Failed to load Fitbit data');

    if (done)
      return value.allData;

Chart Data

Utilities for simplifying data use in charting.

Here's an example of using it with react-plotly.js:

const sleepData: Sleep[] = [...];
const { dateMarkers, sleepLevels, ...chartData } = sleepToChartData(sleepData, {
  // (optional) use this to specify the SMA, here is 7-day & 30-day.
  sma: [7, 30],
  // (optional) if not specified will use the oldest date from data.
  startDate: '2021-08-01',
  // (optional) if not specified will use the latest date from data.
  endDate: 'now',
const { asleep, deep, rem, light, wake } = sleepLevels;

const smaArr: Plotly.Data[] ={ data, smaN }, i) => ({
  x: dateMarkers,
  y: data,
  name: `${smaN} Days SMA`,
  type: 'scatter',
  mode: 'lines',
  marker: { color: ['green', 'red'][i] },

  style={{ width: '100%' }}
    x: dateMarkers,
    y: asleep,
    name: 'Un-categorized Sleep',
    type: 'bar',
    marker: { color: 'green' }
  }, {
    x: dateMarkers,
    y: deep,
    name: 'Deep-Sleep',
    type: 'bar',
    marker: { color: '#0C0458' }
  }, {
    x: dateMarkers,
    y: rem,
    name: 'Rem-Sleep',
    type: 'bar',
    marker: { color: '#094571' }
  }, {
    x: dateMarkers,
    y: light,
    name: 'Light-Sleep',
    type: 'bar',
    marker: { color: '#339BFF' }
  }, {
    x: dateMarkers,
    y: wake,
    name: 'Awake',
    type: 'bar',
    marker: { color: 'orange' }

  // SMA:

    title: 'Sleep',
    barmode: 'stack',
    xaxis: { range: ['2021-12-1', '2021-12-26'] },
    autosize: true,

Example Outcome: Sleep Chart Example

Developer Discord

This project is by the MyAlyce team. If you have any questions join us on discord:

Invitation Link, use #fitbit_integration channel for fitbit api specific things.




Comprehensive (but unofficial) fitbit web-api handler for node-js and browser.






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