This application implemented in Qt was developed to draw plots from datasets and provide users with useful tools. The software was designed to minimize the time it takes for users to run the software for the first time to understand how to run it. The key features of this software are intuitive user interfaces, flexible written functions, and abundant configuration controls. The plotting part is implemented by Qcustomplot.
- Easy to use, just click
- Support two types of datasets(csv and txt) and provides four splitters of the txt file
- Auto-colorized line and provides two ways to change color
- Provides three official functions and allows user written formula
- Users can set the range of axes and auto-resize with plots
- Provides useful settings for saving and loading
- Clear and powerful user interfaces
The formula must consist of the data indexes and operators in [+,-,*,/,ln]. Here is a valid example:
- Save the added datasets
- Support json file
- Report bugs when incorrect file type is loaded