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Robert Munteanu edited this page Aug 12, 2013 · 4 revisions

There are multiple ways in which you can contribute back to this connector. The most obvious one is by writing code, but you can also promote the project, improve documentation, contribute design and others.

Preparing Eclipse

Download a recent version of Eclipse from the Eclipse downloads page. The prequisites are:

  • EGit support
  • Maven support
  • Plugin development support

Since none of the standard downloads contains all three features, download the Eclipse for Java developers edition.

Until Eclipse is downloaded, you can fork the connector .

Importing the project

After starting Eclipse, go to the Git Repositories view and click on Clone a Git repository. In the dialog box that appears, click your fork's clone URI in the URI text field. Click next, next and then finish.

The projects are set up as Maven projects, so select File → Import → Existing Maven projects. Select the directory where you have checked out the project. Leave all the projects checked for import and select next.

You will see a list of configurators to install. Press OK, and the installation will start. It will pull in the Plugin Development Environment as well, so it's going to take a while.

At the end, you need to restart Eclipse.

Configuring the Target Platform

At this point, all projects will fail to compile, since we have not declared a Target Platform to build against. Open the Preferences dialog and navigate to Plug-in Development → Target platform. Select the file and press OK.

The target platform is being provisioned and your project will soon compile.

Launching the connector

After making your changes in Eclipse, you probably want to test them out. To do that, create a new launch configuration of type Eclipse Application. In the Plug-ins tab, choose to launch with plug-ins selected below only. Enable the following plug-ins

  • (Workspace) com.itsolut.mantis.core
  • (Workspace) com.itsolut.mantis.ui
  • (Target Platform) org.eclipse.ui.ide.application

and then press 'Add Required Plug-ins' . Save and launch.