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Releases: N3Cr0N/CodeIgniter-HMVC-AdminLTE

Update AdminLTE to 2.4.13

16 Jul 02:11
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  • fixed scroll top bug in fixed layout mode
  • updated select2 to latest version (v4.0.7)
  • fixed multilevel collapse for child treeview menu
  • added ability to use fontawesome 5 icon on sidebar-toggle
  • changed content-wrapper calc() from % to vh & added content-wrapper calc() with collapsed header
  • added parent height:auto on tree expand to avoid child overlapping
  • changed bootstrap-slider from * to @dev to avoid minimum-stability error
  • added ability to use img logo instead of text logo
  • added ability to use brand-logo with text instead of only a text logo
  • added .hidden-xs to .box-tools searchbar to avoid overlapping
  • fixed collapsed sidebar-menu's sub menu indicator(angle) on hover

Update Whoops Error Handling to v2.4.0

23 Jun 20:48
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Update Whoops Error Handling to v2.4.0

  • Allow to prepend and append handlers.
  • Various fixes from the community.

Version 0.2

19 Jun 12:03
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Update to AdminLTE 2.4.12

- Fixed npm audit error
- Fixed strange navigation menu behavior + dark space on reloads
- Added height auto to .login-page & .register-page

Master Release

18 Feb 20:17
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  • Version 3.1.10


  • Code optimisation
  • Implement PHP PSR 1 + 2 standards
  • Implement PHP backward functions to used with PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.2
    ( the functions each() and list() is deprecated in PHP 7.x )
  • Add support for http verb for each module routing


  • Version 2.4.9 upgraded with Bootstrap 3.4.1


  • Integration for development enviroment