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Not yet actionable, additional definition required
case: derecho
case: derecho
Derecho Case
case: new case
case: new case
Adding a new case
case: sandy
case: sandy
Hurricane Sandy case
case: snow
case: snow
Snow case
priority: blocker
priority: blocker
priority: high
priority: high
High Priority
priority: low
priority: low
Low Priority
priority: medium
priority: medium
Medium Priority
topic: automated testing
topic: automated testing
Related to automated testing
topic: AWS
topic: AWS
Related to Amazon Web Services
topic: base image
topic: base image
Related to the Base software image
topic: common scripts
topic: common scripts
Related to common scripts
topic: customization
topic: customization
Related to customizing existing or new cases
topic: docker
topic: docker
Related to Docker containerization
topic: gsi image
topic: gsi image
Related to the GSI software image
topic: met image
topic: met image
Related to the MET software image
topic: metviewer image
topic: metviewer image
Related to the METviewer software image
topic: online tutorial
topic: online tutorial
Related to the online tutorial
topic: python image
topic: python image
Related to the Python software image
topic: release engineering
topic: release engineering
Related to creating a release.
topic: singularity
topic: singularity
Related to Singularity containerization
topic: testing
topic: testing
Additional testing
topic: upp image
topic: upp image
Related to the UPP software image
topic: workshop 2021
topic: workshop 2021
topic: wps_wrf image
topic: wps_wrf image
Related to the WPS/WRF software image
type: bug
type: bug
Fix something that is not working
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Improve something that it is currently doing
type: new feature
type: new feature
Make it do something new
type: task
type: task
An actionable item of work