Apply linting & formatting globally #16
on: pull_request
Run All Checks
1m 39s
10 errors and 10 warnings
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Unexpected function expression.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"prefer-arrow-callback","severity":2,"message":"Unexpected function expression.","line":15,"column":4,"nodeType":"FunctionExpression","messageId":"preferArrowCallback","endLine":3749,"endColumn":2,"fix":{"range":[254,381],"text":"(\n $,\n _,\n Backbone,\n rdf,\n uuid,\n md5,\n SolrResults,\n Filter,\n DataONEObject,\n ScienceMetadata,\n EML211,\n) =>"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Unexpected var, use let or const instead.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"no-var","severity":2,"message":"Unexpected var, use let or const instead.","line":38,"column":3,"nodeType":"VariableDeclaration","messageId":"unexpectedVar","endLine":3746,"endColumn":5}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Expected method shorthand.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"object-shorthand","severity":2,"message":"Expected method shorthand.","line":3449,"column":7,"nodeType":"Property","messageId":"expectedMethodShorthand","endLine":3505,"endColumn":8,"fix":{"range":[137490,139859],"text":"handleAdd (dataONEObject) {\n var metadataModel = this.find(function (m) {\n return m.get(\"type\") == \"Metadata\";\n });\n\n // Append to or create a new documents list\n if (metadataModel) {\n if (!Array.isArray(metadataModel.get(\"documents\"))) {\n metadataModel.set(\"documents\", []);\n } else {\n if (!_.contains(metadataModel.get(\"documents\"),\n metadataModel.get(\"documents\").push(;\n }\n\n // Create an EML Entity for this DataONE Object if there isn't one already\n if (\n metadataModel.type == \"EML\" &&\n !dataONEObject.get(\"metadataEntity\") &&\n dataONEObject.type != \"EML\"\n ) {\n metadataModel.createEntity(dataONEObject);\n metadataModel.set(\"uploadStatus\", \"q\");\n }\n }\n\n this.saveReference(dataONEObject);\n\n this.setLoadingFiles(dataONEObject);\n\n //Save a reference to this DataPackage\n // If the collections attribute is an array\n /* if( Array.isArray(dataONEObject.get(\"collections\")) ){\n //Add this DataPackage to the collections list if it's not already in the array\n if( !_.contains(dataONEObject.get(\"collections\"), this) ){\n dataONEObject.get(\"collections\").push(this);\n }\n }\n //If the collections attribute is not an array but there is a value,\n else if(dataONEObject.get(\"collections\")){\n\n //And if the value is not this DataPackage or it's pid, then set it on the model\n if( dataONEObject.get(\"collections\") != this && dataONEObject.get(\"collections\") != this.get(\"id\") ){\n dataONEObject.set(\"collections\", [dataONEObject.get(\"collections\"), this] );\n }\n //Otherwise, set the collections attribute to this DataPackage in an array\n else {\n dataONEObject.set(\"collections\", [this]);\n }\n\n }\n // If there is no value set on the collections attribute, then set it to\n // this DataPackage in an array\n else{\n dataONEObject.set(\"collections\", [this]);\n }\n*/\n }"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Unexpected function expression.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"prefer-arrow-callback","severity":2,"message":"Unexpected function expression.","line":12,"column":4,"nodeType":"FunctionExpression","messageId":"preferArrowCallback","endLine":660,"endColumn":2,"fix":{"range":[280,421],"text":"(\n $,\n _,\n Backbone,\n Filter,\n BooleanFilter,\n ChoiceFilter,\n DateFilter,\n NumericFilter,\n ToggleFilter,\n SpatialFilter,\n) =>"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Unexpected var, use let or const instead.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"no-var","severity":2,"message":"Unexpected var, use let or const instead.","line":34,"column":3,"nodeType":"VariableDeclaration","messageId":"unexpectedVar","endLine":658,"endColumn":5}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Expected method shorthand.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"object-shorthand","severity":2,"message":"Expected method shorthand.","line":69,"column":7,"nodeType":"Property","messageId":"expectedMethodShorthand","endLine":88,"endColumn":8,"fix":{"range":[2155,2880],"text":"initialize (models, options) {\n try {\n if (typeof options === \"undefined\") {\n var options = {};\n }\n if (options && options.objectDOM) {\n // Models are automatically added to the collection by the parse\n // function.\n var isUIFilterType = options.isUIFilterType == true ? true : false;\n this.parse(options.objectDOM, isUIFilterType);\n }\n if (options.catalogSearch) {\n this.catalogSearchQuery = this.createCatalogSearchQuery();\n }\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\n \"Error initializing a Filters collection. Error details: \" + error,\n );\n }\n }"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Expected method shorthand.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"object-shorthand","severity":2,"message":"Expected method shorthand.","line":271,"column":7,"nodeType":"Property","messageId":"expectedMethodShorthand","endLine":284,"endColumn":8,"fix":{"range":[10581,10993],"text":"getIdFilters () {\n try {\n return this.filter(function (filterModel) {\n if (typeof filterModel.isIdFilter == \"undefined\") {\n return false;\n }\n return filterModel.isIdFilter();\n });\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\n \"Error trying to find ID Filters, error details: \" + error,\n );\n }\n }"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Unexpected function expression.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"prefer-arrow-callback","severity":2,"message":"Unexpected function expression.","line":273,"column":30,"nodeType":"FunctionExpression","messageId":"preferArrowCallback","endLine":278,"endColumn":12,"fix":{"range":[10652,10674],"text":"(filterModel) =>"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Expected method shorthand.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"object-shorthand","severity":2,"message":"Expected method shorthand.","line":293,"column":7,"nodeType":"Property","messageId":"expectedMethodShorthand","endLine":301,"endColumn":8,"fix":{"range":[11346,11601],"text":"getNonIdFilters () {\n try {\n return this.difference(this.getIdFilters());\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\n \"Error trying to find non-ID Filters, error details: \" + error,\n );\n }\n }"}}
Run All Checks
reviewdog: Too many results (annotations) in diff.
You may miss some annotations due to GitHub limitation for annotation created by logging command.
Please check GitHub Actions log console to see all results.
- 10 warning annotations and 10 error annotations per step
- 50 annotations per job (sum of annotations from all the steps)
- 50 annotations per run (separate from the job annotations, these annotations aren't created by users)
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Missing JSDoc comment.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"jsdoc/require-jsdoc","severity":1,"message":"Missing JSDoc comment.","line":395,"column":9,"nodeType":"FunctionDeclaration","messageId":"missingJsDoc","endLine":396,"endColumn":1,"fix":{"range":[12866,12866],"text":"/**\n *\n */\n "}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Missing JSDoc @param "geohashes" declaration.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"jsdoc/require-param","severity":1,"message":"Missing JSDoc @param \"geohashes\" declaration.","line":292,"column":7,"nodeType":"Block","endLine":297,"endColumn":10,"fix":{"range":[9968,10150],"text":"/**\n * Find the geohash Entity on the map and add it to the selected\n * features.\n * @param {string} geohash The geohash to select.\n * @param geohashes\n * @SInCE 2.25.0\n */"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Missing JSDoc @param "partyModel" declaration.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"jsdoc/require-param","severity":1,"message":"Missing JSDoc @param \"partyModel\" declaration.","line":2135,"column":7,"nodeType":"Block","endLine":2139,"endColumn":10,"fix":{"range":[78300,78470],"text":"/**\n * Attempt to move a party one index forward within its sibling models\n *\n * @param {EMLParty} partyModel: The EMLParty model we're moving\n * @param partyModel\n */"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Missing JSDoc @param "partyModel" declaration.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"jsdoc/require-param","severity":1,"message":"Missing JSDoc @param \"partyModel\" declaration.","line":2183,"column":7,"nodeType":"Block","endLine":2187,"endColumn":10,"fix":{"range":[79649,79819],"text":"/**\n * Attempt to move a party one index forward within its sibling models\n *\n * @param {EMLParty} partyModel: The EMLParty model we're moving\n * @param partyModel\n */"}}
Run All Checks:
[eslint] reported by reviewdog 🐶
Missing JSDoc @param "eml" declaration.
Raw Output:
{"ruleId":"jsdoc/require-param","severity":1,"message":"Missing JSDoc @param \"eml\" declaration.","line":2505,"column":7,"nodeType":"Block","endLine":2511,"endColumn":10,"fix":{"range":[91149,91420],"text":"/**\n * Sets the xsi:schemaLocation attribute on the passed-in Element\n * depending on the application configuration.\n *\n * @param {Element} eml: The root eml:eml element to modify\n * @param eml\n * @return {Element} The element, possibly modified\n */"}}