cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_8 <The CMSSW version will change depending on when alignment is being performed> cd CMSSW_10_6_8/src/ mkdir EcalValidation cd EcalValidation git clone -b forAmrutha [email protected]:NEUAnalyses/EcalAlignment.git cmsenv scramv1 b -j 8 -Werror=unused-variable
- ECAL alignment procedure is performed to ensure that ECAL is aligned w.r.t the tracker detector. For eg. the ECAL and tracker detector can be considered aligned with each other when the position of the eletron track in the tracker detector, when extrapolated to ECAL, is very close to that electron’s energy deposit in ECAL.
- This procedure is required to be performed for multiple reasons:
- During LHC shutdown, the CMS detector is opened for repair, upgrade work etc. This can physically move the detectors. In such scenarios the alignment procedure should be performed.
- The tracker detector might introduce some changes in their reconstruction. In that case it should be checked if ECAL is still aligned with the tracker.
- Z → ee events are used for the alignment procedure.
- This script creates Z candidates from good quality electrons. This script can be used in 2 different ways:
- Dump information from the input files
- Perform Re-Reco and then
EcalAlignment framework
read doc/README
/afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ –> 2015 afs/ /afs/ afs/ –> bad afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/
kate: LXPLUS-ECALAlignment xps kate: lxplus-ECAL-alignment
/home/amassiro/Cern/Code/ECAL/ECALAlignment just to make plots faster in local
to setup:
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_8 cd CMSSW_10_6_8/src/ mkdir EcalValidation cd EcalValidation git clone -b forAmrutha [email protected]:NEUAnalyses/EcalAlignment.git
cmsenv scramv1 b -j 8 -Werror=unused-variable
NB: the “unused variable” errors must be disabled, because are coming from CLHEP libraries loaded by geometry, I have no access to
where alignment constants are backuped:
============= Luminosity
How to measure the luminosity and where to get the lumisection json mask
json: afs/
e.g.: /afs/
Luminosity: first install brilcal, following the recipe from Then:
brilcalc lumi -u /pb -i /afs/
run:fill | time | nls | ncms | delivered(/pb) | recorded(/pb) |
296174:5750 | 06/06/17 06:29:30 | 22 | 22 | 1.096 | 1.067 |
nfill | nrun | nls | ncms | totdelivered(/pb) | totrecorded(/pb) |
1 | 1 | 22 | 22 | 1.096 | 1.067 |
CombineRotoTraslations origin.txt modification.txt new.txt CombineRotoTraslations /afs/ myEEAlignment_2011.txt myEEAlignment_2011_combined.txt
subtract two tags CombineRotoTraslations myEEAlignment_2011.txt myEEAlignment_2012.txt myEEAlignment_2011_2012_difference.txt CombineRotoTraslations myEBAlignment_2011.txt myEBAlignment_2012.txt myEBAlignment_2011_2012_difference.txt
CombineRotoTraslations data/myEBAlignment_2015_startup.txt myEBAlignment_2015_NewTrkAlign_31Aug2015.txt myEBAlignment_2015.txt CombineRotoTraslations data/myEEAlignment_2015_startup.txt myEEAlignment_2015_NewTrkAlign_31Aug2015.txt myEEAlignment_2015.txt
CombineRotoTraslations /afs/ myEEAlignment_2015_NewTrkAlign_31Aug2015_additional.txt myEEAlignment_2015.txt
CombineRotoTraslations /afs/ myEEAlignment_2015_NewTrkAlign_31Aug2015_additional_NEW.txt myEEAlignment_2015.txt
Transform ES to EE
TransformRotoTraslationsWithES originES.txt newForEE.txt
CombineRotoTraslations /afs/ \ macro/newForEE.txt \ myEEAlignment_2016_combined_19Apr.txt