Trying to get out of a network? But have no idea what ports are allowed? This might help.
Egressinator was heavily inspired by, but is now written in golang, as the other project has fallen into disrepair. The server and client come as one package deal.
A note, the server will not work on windows as it relies on iptables to redirect traffic.
git clone
cd egressbuster
go build
Determine unrestricted ports that can egress the network
Usage of client:
-address string
Address of egressbuster server
-range string
Range of TCP ports to check, e.g 1-1024 (default "1-1024")
-threads int
Number of threads (default 500)
-timeout int
Time before a connection is seen as invalid (in seconds) (default 3)
Display more output
Usage of server:
-interface string
interface for server listener
-port int
The port the egress detector server will listen on (default 4344)
-src string
Source address for server to listen for client requests