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User guide

Welcome to phasihunter 😉

A multithreaded program for mining phasiRNA regulation pathways based on multiple reference sequences.

PhasiHunter workflow



phasihunter is a CLI program runing on linux platform. The correction runing of phasihunter depends on some existing softwares.

  • Bowtie (Langmead, et al., 2009. Genome Biol)
  • Bedtools (Quinlan and Hall, 2010. Bioinformatics)
  • Dnapi (Tsuji and Weng, 2016. PloS One)
  • Trim_galore (
  • Seqkit (Shen, et al., 2016. PloS One)
  • Perl5 (
  • Fasta36 (Pearson and Lipman, 1988. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A)
  • TarHunter (Ma, et al., 2018. Bioinformatics)

Python packages also required:

  • Biopython (Cock, et al., 2009. Bioinformatics)
  • pyyaml
  • matplotlib
  • sympy


Manual Installation

  1. Clone phasihunter repository

Using git:

git clone
  1. Install all dependencies

You can manually install each dependency listed above, or alternatively a conda environment file is provided in this repositoty (environment.yml), and can be used to install the dependencies with the following command:

conda env create  --file environment.yml

(If you have mamba installed you can replace conda in the above command with mamba.)

Access the dependencies using:

conda activate phasiHunter
  1. Adding the executable to your $PATH

If you are using conda you can simply symlink the phasiHunter executable to the conda environment bin. In the activated conda environemnt, run:

ln -s <full path to phasiHunter directory>/phasiHunter $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/phasiHunter

Otherwise you can add phasiHunter to your PATH by setting the enviroment variable in ~/.bashrc

echo "export PATH=$PATH:<phasihunter PATH> >> ~/.bashrc"


echo "export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/volumes/PhasiHunter >> ~/.bashrc"
  1. type phasiHunter -h to check whether the installation was correct. If phasiHunter is installed correctly you will see the following content.

    Alt text

Docker image

For convenience, we also provide a Docker image at

The Docker image has been configured with all the dependencies required for running phasiHunter.

Demo data

Download link

Executing PhasiHunter with step-by-step submodules.

Parameter in < > means necessary; parameter in [ ] means optional

  1. Data pre-process
phasiHunter preprocess -m r -i /home/user/test_osa/SRR5049781.fastq.gz -mi 19 -ma 25 -e 1 -n 1000000 -o /home/user/test_osa/ -in /home/user/test_osa/index/oryza_sativa_cdna_index

phasiHunter preprocess -m m -i /home/user/test_osa/SRR5049781_trimmed_format_filter.fa -mi 19 -ma 25 -e 1 -n 1000000 -o /home/user/test_osa/ -in /home/user/test_osa/index/oryza_sativa_gdna_index
  • preprocess module usage
Help messeage:
    # necessary options:
    -m:  string --  mode: r | c | m;
                    raw(mode): trim adaptor --> normalization --> length and abundance filter --> mapping
                    clean(mode): normalization --> length and abundance filter --> mapping
                    mapping(mode): mapping
    -i:  file   --  for r mode: fastq file or fastq.gz file
                    for c mode: fasta file or fasta.gz file
                    for m mode: length and abundance filter fasta file
    -r:  file   --  reference sequence fasta file
    -in: string --  index prefix, -r option will be ignored when -in enable
    -o:  outfile --  outfile name

    # options with default value
    -j:  int    --  adaptor trim parallel cores; <8 is recommend, only need in r mode, default=1
    -bj: int    --  bowtie parallel cores; defalut=1
    -mh: int    --  max hits when mapping to ref sequence, default=10
    -mi: int    --  minimal sRNA reads length cutoff, default=19
    -ma: int    --  maxmial sRNA reads length cutoff, default=25
    -e:  float  --  sRNA reads cpm cutoff, default=1 
    -n:  int    --  normalization base, default=1000000

    # other
    -v:         --  print version information
    -h:         --  print help information
  1. PhasiRNA and PHAS loci prediction
phasiHunter phase -cm /home/user/test_osa/ -c /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa -gm /home/user/test_osa/ -g /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.fa -fm None -f None -fa /home/user/test_osa/SRR5049781_trimmed_format_filter.fa -a /home/user/test_osa/phase_a.txt -o /home/user/test_osa/phase_o.txt -me b -il 5 -pl 21 -pn 4 -mh 10 -j 20 -pv 0.001 -ps 15 -pr 0.4 -cl y
  • phase module usage
phase usage:
    -cm: file  --  map file based on reference transcriptome sequence
    -c:  file  --  reference transcritome sequence, fasta file
    -gm: file  --  map file based on reference genome sequence
    -g:  file  --  reference genome sequence, fasta file
    -fm: file  --  map file based on full length transcriptome sequence
    -f:  file  --  full length transcriptome sequence, fasta file
    -fa: file  --  sRNA file
    -a:  out   --  allsiRNA cluster output file, default name is phase_a.txt
    -o:  out   --  phasiRNA cluster output file, default name is phase_o.txt
    -me: str   --  phasiRNA prediction method, h(hypergeometric test) | p(phase score) | b (both), default=b
    -il: int   --  phasiRNA cluster island, default=5
    -pl: int   --  phase length, 21 | 24, default=21
    -pn: int   --  phase number, default=4
    -mh: int   --  max hits when mapping to ref sequence, default=10
    -j:  int   --  parallel number, default=1
    -pv: float --  pvalue cutoff, default=0.001, only function with h/b method applied
    -ps: float --  phase score cutoff, default=15, only function with p/b method applied
    -pr: float --  phase ratio cutoff, default=0.4, only function with p/b method applied
    -cl: str   --  delete .phasiHuter_bowtieIndex, y|n, default=y
    -v:        --  print version information
    -h:        --  print help information
  1. PhasiRNA and PHAS loci result integration
phasiHunter integration -io /home/user/test_osa/phase_o.txt -ia /home/user/test_osa/phase_a.txt -an /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.gff3 -g y -o /home/user/test_osa/integration_o.txt -a /home/user/test_osa/integration_a.txt -s /home/user/test_osa/integration_s.txt -po /home/user/test_osa/integration_p.txt -j 1 -pn 4 -pl 21 -pv 0.001 -il 5
  • integration module usage
integration usage:
    # necessary options:
    -io: file  --  phase module -o output file
    -ia: file  --  phase module -a output file
    -an: file  --  reference genome gff3 file
    -g:  str   --  y | n, whether exist gdna based PHAS Loci

    # options with default value
    -o:  out  --  integration phasiRNA cluster, default name is integration_o.txt
    -a:  out  --  integration all siRNA cluster, default name is integration_a.txt
    -s:  out  --  integration summary, default name is integration_s.txt
    -po: out  --  PHAS Loci information, default name is integration_p.txt
    -j:  int   --  parallel number, default=1
    -pn: int   --  phase number, default=4
    -pl: int   --  phase length, 21 | 24, default=21
    -pv: float --  pvalue cutoff, default=0.001
    -il: int   --  phasiRNA cluster island, default=5
    -dp: str   -- y | n, discard only P method result, default=y

    # optional options
    -fn: file  --  full length transcript annotation file

    # other
    -v:       --  print version information
    -h:       --  print help information
  1. Print phasiRNA_cluster plot, phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa
phasiHunter visulization -io /home/user/test_osa/integration_o.txt -ia /home/user/test_osa/integration_a.txt -ip /home/user/test_osa/integration_p.txt -a /home/user/test_osa/alignment.txt -o /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA.fa -p /home/user/test_osa/PHAS.fa -pl 21 -m 10 -c /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa -g /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.fa -f None -pc y -pg y -pf n
  • visulization module usage
visulization usage:
    # necessary options:
    -io: file  --  integration -io outputfile
    -ia: file  --  integration -ia outputfile
    -ip: file  --  integration -po outputfile
    -a:  out   --  alignment file, default name is alignment.txt
    -o:  out   --  phasiRNA fasta file, default name is phasiRNA.fa
    -p:  out   --  PHAS Gene fasta file; Format: >geneid/chr\tphasiRNA_cluster_region(start end)\tseq_region(start end), default name is PHAS.fa

    # options with default value
    -pl: int   --  phase length, 21 | 24, default=21
    -m:  float  --  the number for reducing the size of Y-axis. default=10

    # optional options
    -c:  file  --  reference transcritome sequence, fasta file, enable cdna based phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa, Alignmen, Plot output
    -g:  file  --  reference genome sequence, fasta file, enable gdna based phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa, Alignmen, Plot output
    -f:  file  --  full length transcriptome sequence, fasta file, enable flnc based phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa, Alignmen, Plot output
    -pc: str  --  plot cdna based phasiRNA cluster, y | n, defaut=y
    -pg: str  --  plot gdna based phasiRNA cluster, y | n, defaut=y
    -pf: str  --  plot flnc based phasiRNA cluster, y | n, defaut=y

    # other
    -v:        --  print version information
    -h:        --  print help information
  1. Initiator prediction and verification
phasiHunter target -q /home/user/test_osa/osa.miRbase.fa -b /home/user/test_osa/PHAS.fa -o /home/user/test_osa/miR_target.txt -T 10

phasiHunter initiator -i /home/user/test_osa/integration_o.txt -j /home/user/test_osa/miR_target.txt -ip /home/user/test_osa/integration_p.txt -pd 5 -pl 21 -ps 1 -o /home/user/test_osa/initiator.txt

phasiHunter deg -i /home/user/test_osa/deg/ -q /home/user/test_osa/osa.miRbase.fa -j /home/user/test_osa/initiator.txt -t /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa -o GSM1040649_MTI_deg.txt -s 1 -m 0 -p y -in y -pl 1 -pf MTI_deg --lib GSM1040649 -less
  • target module usage
    perl /home/user/volumes/PhasiHunter/bin/ -q <mir_file> -b <targ_file> -o <out_file> [Options]

Required arguments:
    -q (--qmir):         query miRNA file
    -b (--targ):         target file
    -o (--output):       output file


    -M (--total_misp):   max. total mispairs               [Default: off]
    -m (--seed_misp):    max. seed mispairs                [Default: off]
    -f (--score):        score cutoff                      [Default:  4 ]

    -I (--mimics):       eTM search                        [Default: off]
    -i (--mimics_str):   eTM stringency
                        (0: strict, 1: relaxed)           [Default:  0 ]

    -T (--threads):      FASTA threads                     [Default:  1 ]
    -t (--tab):          tabular format output             [Default: off]
    -h (--help):         help information

  • initiator module usage
initiator option:
  -i  [str]integration -o output
  -j  [str]the target predicted by psRNAtarget server or target module
  -ip [str]integration -po output
  -pd [int]the microRNA distance away to phase border, default=105(21) or 120 (24), optional
  -pl [int]21 or 24, the phase length of 21 or 24, default=21
  -ps [int]0 or 1, the position of cleavage at 10(0) or 9-11 (1), default=1
  -o  [str]outputfilename.
  -h  print the version and details of the usage
  • deg module usage
// function: vertified the sRNA - Target interaction with degradome data

  -i: <inputfilename>     --    mapping file for degradome data mapping transcripts, by bowtie
  -q: <sRNA fasta>        --    small RNA sequences used for target prediction, fasta
  -j: <inputfilename>     --    from psRNATarget batch download file or initiator output
  -t: <inputfilename>     --    transcripts file, fasta
  -o: <outputfilename>    --    matched map file with only matched records
  -s: <shift_number>      --    if shifts=0 then cleaved exactly at pos.10, default=1
  -m: <minum deg_num>     --    minum number of degradome reads, int, default=0
  -p: <T-plot function>   --    enable the plot function, y | n, default='n' 
  -in: <bool>             --    y | n, use initiator output information
  -pl [int]               --    1,plot only category 1; 2, plot categories 1 and 2, default=1
  -pf [str]               --    output folder name, for exporting t-plot images and outputfile
  --lib [str]             --    library name
  -less                   --    only output cat_1 and cat_2 information

  //About the categories:
  Cat #1, degradome read at the cleavage site is most abundant.
  Cat #2, the read is less than the most abudant one, but higher than the median.
  Cat #3, the read is less than the median, but high than 1
  Cat #4, the read is identical or less than 1 (if degradome data is normalized)
  1. PhasiRNA target prediction and verification
phasiHunter target -q /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA.fa -b /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa -o /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA_target.txt -T 10

phasiHunter deg -i /home/user/test_osa/deg/ -q /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA.fa -j /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA_target.txt -t /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa -o GSM1040649_PTI_deg.txt -s 1 -m 0 -p y -in n -pl 1 -pf PTI_deg --lib GSM1040649 -less

Executing PhasiHunter with one-command module

One-command module usage

One command executing mode

    phasiHunter run [-i] [config file]
    phasiHunter run -d

    -i: yaml format config file
    -d: using the default config, defalut config file is /foo/PhasiHunter/bin/config.yaml
    -h: print help information

WARNIG: make sure choose the correct config file before run this command

Default config.yaml file

Some INPUT and OUTPUT still need modified when using.

# Please provide the full path to the input file

# Configure the modules that need to be run
# y means enable, n means disable
  preprocess: y
  phase: y
  integration: y
  visulization: y
    target: y
    initiator: y
    deg: y
    phasiRNA_target: y
    phasiRNA_deg: y

# Configure the preprocess module
  # raw(mode): trim adaptor --> normalization --> length and abundance filter --> mapping
  # clean(mode): normalization --> length and abundance filter --> mapping
  # mapping(mode): mapping
  mode: r # [r | c | m]

  # for r mode: fastq file or fastq.gz file
  # for c mode: fasta file or fasta.gz file
  # for m mode: length and abundance filter fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  inputfile: /home/user/test_osa/SRR5049781.fastq.gz

  # reference sequence fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  reference_fasta: # disable when index parameter enable, multiple sequence can provided here
    # - /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa
    # - /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.fa

  # index prefix, reference_fasta option will be ignored when index enable, multiple index can provided here
  # ** INPUT ** 
    - /home/user/test_osa/index/oryza_sativa_cdna_index
    - /home/user/test_osa/index/oryza_sativa_gdna_index

  # outfile name, relative path is work for outputfile, but absolute path is still recommended. The number must be the same as the number of reference_fasta or indexs
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
    - /home/user/test_osa/
    - /home/user/test_osa/

  # adaptor trim parallel cores; <8 is recommend, only need in r mode
  trim_adaptor_cores: 1

  # bowtie parallel cores
  bowtie_mapping_cores: 1

  # max hits when mapping to ref sequence
  bowtie_max_hits_cutoff: 10

  # minimal sRNA reads length cutof
  minimal_sRNA_length_cutoff: 19

  # maxmial sRNA reads length cutoff
  maxmial_sRNA_length_cutoff: 25

  # sRNA reads cpm cutoff
  sRNA_expression_cutoff: 1

  # normalization base
  library_normalization_base: 1000000

# Configure the phase module
# predicting with only one reference sequence or multiple reference sequences
  # map file based on reference transcriptome sequence
  # ** INPUT ** 
  mapped_cdna_file: /home/user/test_osa/

  # map file based on reference genome sequence
  # ** INPUT ** 
  mapped_gdna_file: /home/user/test_osa/
  # map file based on full length transcriptome sequence
  # ** INPUT ** 

  # reference transcritome sequence, fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  cdna_fasta: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa

  # reference genome sequence, fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  gdna_fasta: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.fa
  # full length transcriptome sequence, fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 

  # sRNA file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  sRNA_fa: /home/user/test_osa/SRR5049781_trimmed_format_filter.fa
  # allsiRNA cluster output
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  allsiRNA_cluster_output: /home/user/test_osa/phase_a.txt
  # phasiRNA cluster output file
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  phasiRNA_cluster_output: /home/user/test_osa/phase_o.txt
  # phasiRNA prediction method, h(hypergeometric test) | p(phase score) | b (both)
  phasiRNA_prediction_method: b

  # phasiRNA cluster island
  phasiRNA_cluster_island: 5

  # phase length
  phase_length: 21
  # phase number
  phase_number_cutoff: 4

  # max hits when mapping to ref sequence
  bowtie_max_hits_cutoff: 10

  # parallel number
  parallel_cores: 20

  # pvalue cutoff, only function with h/b method applied
  pvalue_cutoff: 0.001

  # phase score cutoff, only function with p/b method applied
  phase_score_cutoff: 15

  # phase ratio cutoff, only function with p/b method applied
  phase_ratio_cutoff: 0.4

  # delete .phasiHuter_bowtieIndex, y|n
  delete_index: y

# Configure the integration module
  # phase module phasiRNA_cluster_output
  # ** INPUT ** 
  o_inputfile: /home/user/test_osa/phase_o.txt

  # phase module allsiRNA_cluster_output
  # ** INPUT ** 
  a_inputfile: /home/user/test_osa/phase_a.txt

  # reference genome gff3 file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  gff3: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.gff3

  # y | n, whether exist gdna based PHAS Loci
  gdna_based_PHAS_Loci: y

  # integration phasiRNA cluster
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  integration_phasiRNA_cluster: /home/user/test_osa/integration_o.txt

  # integration all siRNA cluste
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  integration_allsiRNA_cluster: /home/user/test_osa/integration_a.txt

  # integration summary
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  integration_summary: /home/user/test_osa/integration_s.txt

  # PHAS Loci information
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  integration_PHAS_Loci_info: /home/user/test_osa/integration_p.txt

  # parallel number
  parallel_cores: 1

  # phase number
  phase_number_cutoff: 4

  # phase length
  phase_length: 21

  # pvalue cutoff
  pvalue_cutoff: 0.001

  # phasiRNA cluster island
  phasiRNA_cluster_island: 5

  # y | n, discard only P method result
  discard_only_P_method_result: y

  # full length transcript annotation file

# Configure the visulization module
  # integration module integration_phasiRNA_cluster
  # ** INPUT ** 
  o_inputfile: /home/user/test_osa/integration_o.txt

  # integration module integration_allsiRNA_cluster
  # ** INPUT ** 
  a_inputfile: /home/user/test_osa/integration_a.txt

  # integration integration_PHAS_Loci_info
  # ** INPUT ** 
  p_inputfile: /home/user/test_osa/integration_p.txt

  # alignment file
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  output_alignment_file: /home/user/test_osa/alignment.txt

  # phasiRNA fasta file
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  output_phasiRNA_fa: /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA.fa

  # PHAS Gene fasta file, Format: >geneid/chr\tphasiRNA_cluster_region(start end)\tseq_region(start end)
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  output_PHAS_fa: /home/user/test_osa/PHAS.fa

  # phase length
  phase_length: 21

  # the number for reducing the size of Y-axis
  Y_axis: 10

  # reference transcritome sequence, fasta file, enable cdna based phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa, Alignmen, Plot output
  # ** INPUT ** 
  cdna_fasta: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa

  # reference genome sequence, fasta file, enable gdna based phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa, Alignmen, Plot output
  # ** INPUT ** 
  gdna_fasta: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_gdna.fa

  # full length transcriptome sequence, fasta file, enable flnc based phasiRNA.fa, PHAS.fa, Alignmen, Plot output
  # ** INPUT ** 

  # plot cdna based phasiRNA cluster, y | n
  plot_cdna_based_phasiRNA_cluster: y 

  # plot gdna based phasiRNA cluster, y | n
  plot_gdna_based_phasiRNA_cluster: y

  # plot flnc based phasiRNA cluster, y | n
  plot_flnc_based_phasiRNA_cluster: n

# Configure the target module
  # query miRNA file, fasta format
  # ** INPUT ** 
  query_fa: /home/user/test_osa/osa.miRbase.fa

  # PHAS.fa/transcript.fa, fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  subject_fa: /home/user/test_osa/PHAS.fa

  # output file
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  output: /home/user/test_osa/miR_target.txt

  # max. total mispairs
  total_misp: off

  # max. seed mispairs
  seed_misp: off

  # score cutoff
  score: 4

  # eTM search 
  mimics: off

  # eTM stringency, (0: strict, 1: relaxed)
  mimics_str: 0

  # fasta36 threads
  threads: 10

# Configure the initiator module
  # integration module integration_phasiRNA_cluster
  # ** INPUT ** 
  i_input_file: /home/user/test_osa/integration_o.txt

  # the target predicted by psRNAtarget server or target module
  # ** INPUT ** 
  j_input_file: /home/user/test_osa/miR_target.txt

  # integration module integration_PHAS_Loci_info
  # ** INPUT ** 
  p_input_file: /home/user/test_osa/integration_p.txt

  # the microRNA distance away to phase border, default=105(21) or 120 (24)
  sRNA_distance: 5

  # 21 or 24, the phase length of 21 or 24,
  phase_length: 21

  # 0 or 1, the position of cleavage at 10(0) or 9-11 (1)
  cleavage_shift: 1

  # outputfilename
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  outputfile: /home/user/test_osa/initiator.txt

# Configure the deg module
  # mapping file for degradome data mapping transcripts, by bowtie
  # ** INPUT ** 
    - /home/user/test_osa/deg/
    - /home/user/test_osa/deg/
  # miRNA sequences used for target prediction, fasta
  # ** INPUT ** 
  query_fa: /home/user/test_osa/osa.miRbase.fa

  # initiator module outputfile
  # ** INPUT ** 
  STI_result: /home/user/test_osa/initiator.txt

  # transcripts file, fasta
  # ** INPUT ** 
  transcript_fa: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa

  # matched map file with only matched records
  # filename only, do not input directory
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
    - GSM1040649_MTI_deg.txt
    - GSM1040650_MTI_deg.txt
  # if shifts=0 then cleaved exactly at pos.10
  shift: 1

  # minum number of degradome reads, int
  minum_deg_abun: 0

  # enable the plot function, y | n
  T_plot: y

  # y | n, use initiator output information
  initiator: y

  # 1,plot only category 1; 2, plot categories 1 and 2
  plot_categories: 1

  # output folder name, for exporting t-plot images and outputfile
  plot_folder: MTI_deg

  # library name
    - GSM1040649
    - GSM1040650
  # only output cat_1 and cat_2 information
  less: y

# Configure the phasiRNA_target module
  # query phasiRNA file, fasta format
  # ** INPUT ** 
  query_fa: /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA.fa

  # target file, fasta file
  # ** INPUT ** 
  subject_fa: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa

  # output file
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
  output: /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA_target.txt

  # max. total mispairs
  total_misp: off

  # max. seed mispairs
  seed_misp: off

  # score cutoff
  score: 4

  # eTM search 
  mimics: off

  # eTM stringency, (0: strict, 1: relaxed)
  mimics_str: 0

  # fasta36 threads
  threads: 10

# Configure the phasiRNA_deg module
  # mapping file for degradome data mapping transcripts, by bowtie
  # ** INPUT ** 
    - /home/user/test_osa/deg/
    - /home/user/test_osa/deg/

  # phasiRNA sequences used for target prediction, fasta
  # ** INPUT ** 
  query_fa: /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA.fa

  # psRNATarget/target outputfile
  # ** INPUT ** 
  STI_result: /home/user/test_osa/phasiRNA_target.txt

  # transcripts file, fasta
  # ** INPUT ** 
  transcript_fa: /home/user/test_osa/oryza_sativa_cdna.fa

  # matched map file with only matched records
  # filename only, do not input directory
  # ** OUTPUT ** 
    - GSM1040649_PTI_deg.txt
    - GSM1040650_PTI_deg.txt
  # if shifts=0 then cleaved exactly at pos.10
  shift: 1

  # minum number of degradome reads, int
  minum_deg_abun: 0

  # enable the plot function, y | n
  T_plot: y

  # y | n, use initiator output information, for phasiRNA_deg, it must be n
  initiator: n

  # 1,plot only category 1; 2, plot categories 1 and 2
  plot_categories: 1

  # output folder name, for exporting t-plot images and outputfile
  plot_folder: PTI_deg

  # library name
    - GSM1040649
    - GSM1040650

  # only output cat_1 and cat_2 information
  less: y

The main output file

  • preprocess module
    • preprocessed fasta file
    • alignment file generated by bowtie
  • phase module
    • redundant allsiRNA cluster output
      • table header: gene, strand, sRNA_position, sRNA_abundance, sRNA_record, sRNA_sequence, sRNA_length, pvalue, phase_ratio, phase_number, phase_abundance, phase_score, marker
    • redundant phasiRNA cluster output
      • table header: PHAS_gene, strand, phasiRNA_position, phasiRNA_abundance, phasiRNA_record, phasiRNA_sequence, phasiRNA_length, pvalue, phase_ratio, phase_number, phase_abundance, phase_score, marker
  • integration module
    • integrated PHAS loci information
    • integration summary information
    • integrated allsiRNA cluster output
      • table header: gene, strand, sRNA_position, sRNA_abundance, sRNA_record, sRNA_sequence, sRNA_length, phase_ratio, phase_number, phase_abundance, phase_score, pvalue, gene_annotation, marker
    • integrated phasiRNA cluster output
      • table header: PHAS_gene, strand, phasiRNA_position, phasiRNA_abundance, phasiRNA_record, phasiRNA_sequence, phasiRNA_length, phase_ratio, phase_number, phase_abundance, phase_score, pvalue, PHAS_gene_annotation, marker
  • visulization module
    • phasiRNA fasta file
      • id description: recorder__PHAS_gene__position__abundance__strand__order
    • PHAS loci fasta file
      • id description: recorder__PHAS_gene__[start]__[end]__[extend_start]__[extend_end]__[marker]
    • phasiRNA alignment result
    • phasiRNA cluster plot
  • initiator_prediction_and_verification
    • miRNA-PHAS_loci interaction output
    • Predicted phase initiator output
    • vertified phase initiator output with degradome data
    • degradome verification t-plot
  • phasiRNA_target_prediction_and_verification
    • phasiRNA-target interaction output
    • vertified phasiRNA-target interaction with degradome data
    • degradome verification t-plot


Copyright © Crop Bioinformatics Group (CBI), College of Agricultural, Nanjing Agricultural University.

Free for academic use. For commercial use, please contact us ([email protected])


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  • Python 92.8%
  • Perl 4.4%
  • Shell 2.8%