Author: Jingjiao Ni CCID: jni1 App Name:jni1-MT Demo Viedo:
Android travel expense tracking Application for UA CMPUT 301 Assignment 1. Finish all the requirements of this assginment.
Most function just click the corresponding buttons.(have description on Button you can know what it will do.)
When at the claim list page, you can click on claim to see the detail of that claim.You can long click on claim to choose edit the claim or change the claim or email the claim.
When at the item list page, you can click on item to see the detail of the item.
The email function uses K-9 Mail and it can work properly.
Hope you can enjoy this app.
Citation: Author: Abram Hindle 2015/01/28 Android Open Source Project licensed under the Apache 2.0 license 2015/01/30 Android Open Source Project licensed under the Apache 2.0 license 2015/01/31
Author: Igor Popov
Editor: xbakesx