This project implements an A* algorithm for path traversal to solve a given board game. The A* algorithm, along with other data structures like graphs, is used to find the most efficient path in the game. By fine-tuning the heuristic function, the algorithm's performance can be improved, allowing for faster and more accurate pathfinding, about 200% time improvements with about the same accuracy. The application features a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) built with Java Swing and tested with JUnit that allows users to interact with the board game and visualize the pathfinding process.
Auto pathfinding demo in my website SEE MORE:
Auto pathfinding demo implemented in Java (goal is to move the BLACK horizontal block to the rightmost edge):
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- A Unix-like shell (e.g., bash) if you want to use the provided script
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Compile the Java files using the following command (on Unix-based systems):
chmod +x
Alternatively, you can run the project manually with the following command:
javac -cp "src:lib/json-20210307.jar" -d bin src/gui/model/*.java src/gui/persistence/*.java src gui/ui/*.java
java -cp "bin:lib/json-20210307.jar" gui/ui/Main