If you want to create your own bot or contribute to my project feel free!
To make the bot run you need to create your own oauth.ini file so your bot can log into Reddit. You also need a Steam API key to make Steam API requests.
I'm using Python 3.5. Some of the libraries I use have to be installed manually (e.g. sqlite3, praw, OAuth2Util).
If you have questions message me on Reddit or Steam.
You can also do suggestions. Please create an issue so I can keep track.
Please note I do this as a hobby and I don't have deep programming skills so things will take a while or I won't be able to make it out of my own incompetence. But this is a good learning experience so I think I will eventually get it right. :)
Simply post a match or player link from Dotabuff or OpenDota as a text comment in /r/Dota2