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Song support

CJMAXiK edited this page May 2, 2024 · 4 revisions

Melba can sing! This document outlines how the song support works.

Current Melba covers are not here for copyright reasons.


All the songs live in the dist/songs/ folder. Each song lives in its own folder, the name of the folder is its ID. Song consists of 4 files, all the files are required:

  • config.cfg - config file for the song
  • song.ogg - fully mixed song (or just the instrumental)
  • voice.ogg - only Melba's voice (for the mouth movement)
  • subtitles.txt - subtitles and actions for the song

song and voice files must be identical in duration. We prefer fully mixed songs.

Config file

song.cfg contains the metadata for the song.

id="stay_with_me" ; unique song ID, the same as the folder name
artist="Miki Matsubara" ; song artist; optional
name="Mayonaka no Door / Stay With Me" ; song name
short_name="Stay With Me" ; short name for Control Panel; optional
wait_time=13.83 ; time for the song name fading in on the screen
mute_voice=1 ; mute the voice track (if you have `song.mp3` fully mixed); optional
reverb=0 ; enabled reverb on the voice track; optional


subtitles.txt is a label file exported from Audacity.

Preparing subtitles

Creating the Label track

  • Open the song (or voice)
  • Hit Ctrl + B to create a Label

Note: Toaster does not support ranged labels. They will be treated as point labels.

Exporting the labels

  • Hit "Select" on the Label track
  • File -> Export Other -> Export Labels


Subtitles file supports multiple tags to change the appearance of the model and do actions inside the Toaster. All the commands start with & symbol. Lines without this symbol are deemed as the text for subtitles.


Clear the subtitles


Sets the Dancing movement to the desired BPM


Stops the Dancing movement


Changes the state of pinnable assets, where STATE is 0 or 1


Changes the model position on screen


Changes the state of the toggle, where STATE is 0 or 1


Sets the animation for the model