NplCefBrowser is a npl package and paracraft mod which include a wrapper of Chromium Embedded Framework 3(cef). After installing this package, NPL could create cef3 browser via scripting interface.
- NplCefBrowserManager:manage npl communication with cef's dll, only one direction which npl call cef's dll is valid, npl don't receive a callback from cef's dll. a unique id is important for communication. this id's value is same as cef window's name. cef's dll source is here
- pe_cefbrowser:a mcml tag which inlucde a cef window.
- pe_resizeable:a mcml tag which can resize cef window.
Git clone with submodules. and run
it will generate
file in root directory.
Method1: One can do it via Mod GUI in paracraft.
Method2: Manually copy
to Mod/
Please note, the first time the plugin is enabled or if a newer plugin is installed, it will automatically extract 30MB Chrome core executable files from the zip archive to a disk file folder at
. The folder has the same layout of the git submodule
. This could take 3-10 seconds to complete, if one wants to avoid zipping on first use, one can manually deploy those chrome files.
local NplCefWindowManager = commonlib.gettable("Mod.NplCefWindowManager");
NplCefWindowManager:Open(); -- Open a default window
local NplCefWindowManager = commonlib.gettable("Mod.NplCefWindowManager");
-- Open a new window
NplCefWindowManager:Open("my_window", "Npl window", "", "_lt", 100, 100, 800, 560);