- Open a browser tab
- Log into https://portal.azure.com
- Use your MSDN account subscription...
- List subscriptions (https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade)
- Note the subscription name. You will need it below when setting the default subscription for our lab session.
- Log into you Azure account and set you default subscription
az login
az account set -s {Your subscription name or id}
az account show
- Create a lab resource group
az group create --name rg-kubernetes-training --location centralus
- Create your kubernetes cluster using AKS
az aks create --resource-group rg-kubernetes-training --name aks-k8s-training --node-count 2
- Connect to your Kubernetes
Please note, you can get this command from the Azure Portal by looking at the AKS overview and clicking "Connect" at the top of page.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-kubernetes-training --name aks-k8s-training
- Deploy a test pod
kubectl apply -f test-pod.yaml
# exec a shell process into the pod/container
kubectl exec -it pod/echoserver /bin/bas
> curl localhost:8080
#Clean up!
kubectl delete -f test-pod.yaml