Added auxiliary functions to build queries for OCLC search endpoints
Removed aggregation result print statement
Created local.yaml file to setup environment variables when running processes locally
Implemented OCLC other editions call
Added functionality for locally generating Counter 5 downloads reports to analytics folder
Readded enter and exit functions to API DB client
Updated DevelopmentSetUpProcess with database migration method
Refactored info API
Refactored links API and added error handling
Refactored works and editions APIs and added error handling
Generalized data aggregation within analytics folder
Updated README release steps
Added local S3 docker container via localstack
Added error handling to citation API
Implemented Counter 5 reporting for view counts
Added error handling to GET collection endpoints
Added error handling for utils API
Added error handling to search API
Refactored analytics report code
Implemented country-level analytics report
Implemented total-usage analytics report
Added error handling to fulfill API
Added uuid API validation
Implemented OCLC Classify Process v2
Added integration tests for UofM ingestion process
Moving up db migration in dev setup
Address Counter 5 report feedback from business analysts
Updated fulfill process to check rights status before updating manifest
Deleted fulfill script due to no longer being necessary
Updating report book ID
Adding OCLC query bibs call
Finalizing OCLC implementation
Implemented script to aggregate access logs
Switching over to classify record by metadata v2
Adding more specific logging and exception handling around OCLC manager errors
Upgrading flask-cors
implement restApi testing using pytest
add search-a-collection test to rest_api tests
Improving error handling and logging to OCLC classify process
Changed HATHI_DATAFILES outdated link in development, example, and local yaml files
Resolved the errors when running the FulfillProcess on a daily and complete ingest time
Changed HATHI_DATAFILES outdated link in development, example, and local yaml files
Fixed edition API ID param
Fixed usage type bug
Fixed OCLC bib author mapping
Fixed OCLC catalog query attempts bug
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