i3n is a set of tools I wrote and I use for my favorite window manager: i3. The following tools are currently available:
- i3n-bar: run as i3bar status command and show annotation for each workspace
- i3n: cli tool providing helpers for i3 and used to control i3n-bar
The fastest and more common way to install i3n is using pip:
pip install i3n
If you use Debian, you can also use Tecknet repositories. Add this line in your
deb http://debian.tecknet.org/debian squeeze tecknet deb-src http://debian.tecknet.org/debian squeeze tecknet
Add the Tecknet repositories key in your keyring:
# wget http://debian.tecknet.org/debian/public.key -O - | apt-key add -
Then, update and install:
# aptitude update # aptitude install i3n
Configure i3bar to use i3nbar as status command, for example:
bar { status_command i3n-bar {{ OUTPUT }} }
{{ OUTPUT }} is the name of your screen as shown in xrandr output.
If you use a multi-monitor setup, configure a bar for each output:
bar { OUTPUT DVI-I-1 status_command i3n-bar DVI-I-1 } bar { OUTPUT DVI-I-2 status_command i3n-bar DVI-I-2 --slave }
Only one i3n-bar process should run in master (without --slave argument)
Restart i3 (type i3 restart
in a shell). Now you can annotate your
workspaces with i3n:
i3n annotate "My annotation"
You can create a shortcut to annotate using zenity:
bindsym $mod+Mod1+space exec i3n annotate "`zenity --entry`"