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Custom Domain Manager 🔐

This solution adds custom domain capabilities where a custom domain with SSL certificates using Cloudfront can be used to serve the application content.

Solution HLD

Step 1.

Deploy AWS resources, refer to Serveless Deployment. Get your new API Gateway endpoint and API keys, the API keys values are masked during deployment for security reasons; therefore it has to be obtained using AWS console.

Step 2.

  • Request a new ACM certificate:

Send a POST request to your API endpoint: <API_GATEWAY> with the following required parameters:

  • domain: the custom domain to be incorporate to your current application platform.

  • application: the application name which the custom domain is been requested.


  curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890' \
  --data '{
    "domain": "",
    "application": "my_app"
  • Output:

It returns the DNS challenge to validate the domain ownership:


"Name": "",
"Type": "CNAME", 
"Value": ""

Create the returned record in your domain management tool to ISSUE the requested certificate.

Step 3.

Once the ownership of the domain is validated a new certificate will be issued, the next step is to create a new Cloudfront distribution with the new certificate attached to it.

Once the certificate is ISSUED by ACM, send a POST request to your API endpoint: <API_GATEWAY> with the following required parameters:

  • domain: the domain used to issue a new ACM certificate.
  • url: the URL to be used by the application.
  • origin: the origin for the content, must match the certificate used by the Application Load Balancer, AWS docs: . Important:

The certificate returned from the origin must cover the domain that you specified for Origin Domain Name for the corresponding origin in your distribution.

  • application: the application name which the custom domain is been requested.


    curl --request POST \
    --url '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'x-api-key: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890' \
    --data '{
      "domain": "",
      "url": "",
      "origin": "",
      "application": "my_app"
  • Output:

It returns the CloudFront endpoint to be used to create your CNAME record in your DNS management tool.



Deployment Stages 🚀

  1. nonprod (dev): export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=557014370333 AWS_ROLE=<YOUR_AWS_ROLE> AWS_ENV=dev
  2. nonprod (staging): export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=557014370333 AWS_ROLE=<YOUR_AWS_ROLE> AWS_ENV=staging
  3. prod (prod): export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=144826052300 AWS_ROLE=<YOUR_AWS_ROLE> AWS_ENV=prod

Serverless deployment

To deploy this application to AWS follow this list of steps:

  1. Authenticate via IDP and collect your temporary token (valid for 12 hours) using the command:
make .env.auth
  1. Export environment variables containing the AWS Account ID, IAM role and AWS environment where you desire to publish the application. A list of predefined variables is available in the last section of this document (Stages), you can also use the example below as reference:
  1. Install Python dependencies in Lambda Layers:
make install-layer

Currently, there is one layer implemented in this project:

  • python - contains any kind of python public modules defined in the file src/layer/requirements.txt.
  1. Run serverless install-sls-plugins deploy via Docker container based on the command:
make install-sls-plugins deploy

Your new version should be transferred to the respective AWS Account / Environment and the relevant CloudFormation stack will update the resources described in the manifest serverless.yml.

  1. In order to get a shell prompt via Docker container run the following command:
make shell-sls
  1. To execute remotely the lambda example provided with this project, execute:
sls invoke --function myFunction --data '{"number": 1}'
  1. To execute unit testing using pytest, execute:
make unit-testing


aws custom domain manager lamda






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