This Guide describes a Cheap and Easy Solution for
- better IRL-Streaming
- Android as Streaming Phone
- Windows as Home PC
There are completely "free" methods, but they need more technical expertise and if wrongly configured could be a security risk for your Home PC. With this Method you don't open up purposely any holes in your Security. (No fixed IP | No PF | No FW Changes)

At first this looks pretty complicated, but we will go Step-by-Step with Pictures (when available) trough the whole Setup Process.
- đź‘Ť can be used with a single Internet connection from Phone
- đź‘Ť when connection from Phone is failing, the Viewer will still see Videos/Clips (1x Stream Start and 1x VOD)
- đź‘Ť a second internet can be added to make the Phone Connection more reliable
- đź‘Ť when switching from WiFi to Mobile and back stream is not going offline
- đź‘Ž Additional monthly cost for Relay Server ($10 USD)
- đź‘Ž Additional monthly cost for 2nd Internet (Optional)
- đź‘Ž Takes some time for first Setup
If you have multiple phones, use the strongest/newest one as Streaming Phone
1.a - Install the IRL Pro from the Google Play Store

This Server takes the Two SRTLA Streams and combines them into one SRT Stream as seen on Map
This Service costs USD $10/month
2.a - Create an Account with Github (If you already have one skip to Login)
- You then need to Verify your E-Mail Address and Login

2.b - Once logged in open the Belabox Sponsorship Page
- Scroll down and select the $10 a month Tier which includes 1x SRT/SRTLA Relay Server
- Fill out your Billing Info and setup your Payment Info (Only Credit Card or Paypal supported)
- Alternatively you can also let your Viewers buy Vouchers for multiple Months.
2.c - Once you either sponsored or have a voucher open the Belabox Cloud Page and
- Login/Authorize with your Github Account

2.d - On the Top of the Page press the 3 Lines then SRT(LA) relays

2.e - Click on Add and change the Name. Change the Server to your closest Location

2.f - Scroll down until you see IRL Pro Settings and tap the Add automatically to IRL Button to automatically add the right Info in IRL Pro.

3.a - Open the IRL Pro App and go to Gear Symbol (Settings) on the top left

3.b - Go to Connections where you should see the Belabox Cloud. Tap on New connection.

3.c - Tap on TWITCH.TV on top and fill out your Username and your Streamkey and hit save

3.d - Go back to the Menu and tap Streamer

3.e - Tap Twitch Username and add your Username and ok. Scroll down and enter your Streamlabs API Key. (If you ever need to change any Chat settings go here again)

3.f - Go back to the Menu and tap Video

3.g - Go to Video and set the following settings
- Resolution: 1920x1080p
- FPS: 30 fixed rate
- Bitrate matches resolution: Off
- Bitrate: 4500 kbps
- Format: HEVC

3.h - Go back to the Menu and tap Overlays then to Web Overlays

3.i - We wanna add Alerts to IRL Pro. To do this we go to into our Alerts Dashboard via Browser
- Streamlabs and copy the Widget URL

3.j - Head back to IRL Pro and add a New web overlay
- Name: Alerts
- URL: Paste the one you copied from Streamlabs Alertbox
- Width: 600
- Height: 400
(you change here later if the Alerts are wrong size or position)

3.k - Once you saved, check that Alerts is turned on.

3.l - Go back to the Main View and check that Chat is loading and Test that Alerts are working
- Streamlabs (Test-Alerts are available in the Alertbox)

Any normal PC or Laptop can be used, best cabled directly to your Home Internet Router. If you want to buy a new one just for this task, maybe look into Mini-Pc's.
This PC needs to have a STABLE Internet Connection during the whole stream with at least 6Mbit Upload Speedtest
This is the Programm that gets the Stream from the Relay Server and converts it back to old RTMP/h.264 Standards and streams it directly to Twitch. Here you have a lot of Options to set Videos, Text, Music to entertain your viewers while you reconnect*
4.1.a - Download OBS Studio for your System
4.1.b - Install OBS Studio and Launch it.

4.1.c - In the Auto-Wizard
- Optimize for Streaming
- Resolution: 1920x1080
- FPS: 30
- Service: Twitch
- Connect Account
- Log in the newly popped up Window.
- Uncheck the Estimate bitrate and enter manually 5900 (7900 if you're Twitch Partner)
- Finish the Wizard

4.1.d - In OBS on the bottom left add now following scenes
- Start
- Live
- Low
- Brb
- End

4.1.e - Click on the Live Scene, and add a Media Source and with name Belabox Cloud.
- A new Window with settings will open

4.1.f - Open the Belabox Cloud Page
- go to SRT(LA) relays and
- scroll down until you see OBS Media Source Settings

4.1.g - Go back to OBS and set the same settings
- Uncheck Local File
- Set Network Buffering to 1 MB
- Copy Input from Belabox Cloud Page
- Set Reconnect Delay to 2S
- Check Close file when inactive

4.1.h - Right-click on the Belabox Cloud-Source, then Transform and Fit to Screen (or select it and hit CTRL+F)

4.1.i - Then Copy (CTRL+C) the Bellabox-Cloud-Source over to the Low Scene
4.1.j - Go To Settings on the bottom right. In the new Video select Audio and Disable all Global Audio Devices

4.1.k - On the top menu bar click on Tools then on Websocket Server Settings. Check the Enable WebSocket Server and hit OK

This is the Program that controls OBS via Chat-Commands and automatically switches Scenes if Stream from the Phone is detected or lost
4.2.a - Download NOALBS for your System and unpack them to a location of your liking (i recommend making a Stream and then a NOALBS Sub-Folder)
4.2.b - Inside this Folder you should have now the following 3 files
- .env
- config.json
- noalbs
4.2.c - For NOALBS to respond to our Chat commands we need to give access to a Twitch Account. Once you logged in with your preferred Account in Twitch, click on this Link, then hit Authorize with Twitch and copy the whole Code from the website

4.2.d - Open the .env File with a Text-Editor
- replace everything with your copied data

- save and close the file
4.2.e - Download the File and replace it with your config.json
4.2.f - Open the config.json File with a Text-Editor
- replace all 3x of REPLACE_STREAMER_NAME with your Twitch Account Name
4.2.g - open the Open the Belabox Cloud Page and go to SRT(LA) relays
- Scroll down to NOALBSv2 configuration
- replace REPLACE_BELLABOX_URL with the URL from the Belabox Page
- replace REPLACE_BELLABOX_INGEST_KEY with the last Part of the URL

4.2.h - Go back to OBS into the Websocket Settings and click on Show Connect Info.
- Copy the Server Password
- replace REPLACE_OBS_WEBSOCKET_PASSWORD with the copied data

4.2.i - Save and close the file. Detailed Infos NOALBS Github
4.2.j - Start the noalbs programm. It should look like the picture below. Errors are also shown here

4.2.k - You can create a Shortcut by right-clicking the noalbs file and hit Create Shortcut and drag the Shortcut for example on Desktop for easier access
We are finished with the basic Setup, but the Scenes are pretty emtpy. Following is an Explanation on what Scene is used for what and what People normally put in.
Following are just recommendations. Feel free to design however you want.
- Every time the Stream starts with this scene until the phone is live
- Video+Music is often used as Background
- simple Text "Starting Soon ..."
- As soon as there is a connection from the Phone to OBS this will be shown
- No additional things needed, since Overlays should run on the Phone
- When connection to the Phone is bad quality
- simple Text "low bitrate"
- When the connection to Phone is lost completely or you end the livestream in IRLPro on purpose (for privacy)
- old VODs or Clips are often used (For Clips i recommend a Folder named Clips and adding a VLC Media Source requires VLC Media Player)
- simple Text "Be right back"
- Can be switched to when you go to Toilet or have private Conversation for a few Minutes
- Can be activated by writing !end in Twitch-Chat
- Similar to Starting Video+Music
- Simple Text "Ending Stream"
Before every IRL-Stream you need to do the following
6.a - Start your PC at Home an make sure it has a Internet Connection and that the PC doesn't turn off automatically
6.b - Start OBS & NOALBS on your PC
6.c - Go outside to where you want to start your IRL-Stream
6.d - Enter !start
in Twitch-Chat to start Stream to Twitch
6.e - Go Live in IRL Pro -> after a few seconds you are switched to Live-Scene
6.f - If you stop or loose connections on the Phone -> after a few seconds you are switched to Brb-Scene
6.g - As soon as connection from Phone to Internet is restored -> after a few seconds you are switched back to Live-Scene
6.h - End/Start the Livestream manually in IRLPro to switch between !brb
and !live
6.i - Stop the Stream automatically if you raid someone or with Chat command !stop
With every Scene Change in OBS you will see a text Message in Chat
This is optional and improves stream stability alot in many cases. But it doesnt prevent outtages in No Service Areas like deep into the Mountains or Tunnels.
As seen in the Map there can be 2nd Internet Connection for your phone to reduce the chance of outtages for the Live Stream.
Either a Mobile WiFi Router or a Second Phone with Mobile Hotspot active.
For this second SIM a different Provider is highly recommended. The 2nd Sim will also consume about ~50% of the overall Data
If for whatever reason the Relay or Home PC is not working you can easily switch back to direct Streaming in the IRL Pro App.
8.a - Got to Settings > Connections and Switch Belabox off and Twitch on
8.b - Go back to Settings then Video. Scroll down and turn Bitrate matches resolution back on and Format to Auto.
Here is their Discord
you can check their Forum or just look up one of the hundreds of Youtube Tutorials