This is the main contract which handles all medical records.
This is a GSN PayMaster used for gasless transactions. Reference.
- Node, npm
- Ganache running locally for development
truffle migrate
to deploytruffle console
to interact with it
let orange = await OrangeLife.deployed();
let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
orange.addMedicalRecord("QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR", 1, {"from": accounts[0]});
- see tests for more examples
truffle test
to run tests
truffle console --network matic
let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
let orange = await OrangeLife.deployed();
docId = "QmYwgzyVeVMaMjiGFtUHNW1X1NgfkZFKihn4GW5sUoZgrC";
res = await orange.addMedicalRecord(docId, "029d279e6e98d7275fe50d8dcc3019aa7a7afcc417b153ff91688dea5181be6f12", "039dde8619b2844159c57b83434370c516a1e6fd5b2d04aec4270ac592683764c3", "", "", "", 1, {"from": accounts[0]});
await orange.requestAccess(accounts[0], 1, {"from": accounts[1]});
await orange.grantAccess(accounts[1], 1, {"from": accounts[0]});
await orange.revokeAccess(accounts[1], 1, {"from": accounts[0]});
npx truffle console --network matic
paymaster = await OrangePayMaster.deployed()
// pay paymaster
web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: accounts[0], to: paymaster.address, value: 1e18})