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InterDiD Project



  • Frontend
    • Vue
    • Headbreaker
  • Backend
    • Django Rest Framework
    • Database
    • Linebot
  • Deployment (Docker)
    • Server
    • Mariadb
    • Nginx
    • Ngrok (WEBHOOK)


  • Frontend
    • Web
    • puzzle
  • backend
    • API
    • Database
    • Linebot
    • Dockerized

Getting Started


IF WINDOWS Please use this command on git

git config --global core.autocrlf false
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Rename the file .env_example to .env
  3. Fill in the .env file with your own api key and settings
    1. go to LINE Developer Console
    2. create a new provider
    3. create a new channel
    4. pick the message api
    5. copy the Channel secret to .env
    6. go to Messaging API tab
    7. copy the Channel access token to .env
  5. If using Ngrok, go to NGROK download and setup Ngrok.
    1. Sign up for a free account
    2. Download the ngrok client (skip if using Docker)
    3. Create a domain
    4. Create an edge, after go to Request Headers and paste name: ngrok-skip-browser-warning value: 69420
    5. Click the start tunel and select start from command line and click the copy.
  6. Go to LINE Developer Console and set webhook url to https://<your_domain>/api/linebot.
  7. For Docker:
    1. (Skip if install) Run chmod +x and ./ to install docker and docker-compose.
    2. Run docker-compose up -d --build to start the server.
  8. Without Docker:
    1. Use your own domain name and replace the APP_HOST in .env and Line Developer Console with it.
    2. Run the command copied from ngrok.
    3. Run python runserver to start the server.
  9. Go to https://<your_domain>/admin and login with the username and password in .env file.
  10. Go to https://<your_domain>/admin/puzzle create a difficulty and set the difficulty.

Customize Port (if needed, default server = 8000, db = 3306, nginx = 80, 443, ngrok = 4040)

  • go to docker-compose.yml and change the service (web, db, nginx, ngrok) port number to your own
  • go to Dockerfile and change the export port number
  • go to nginx.conf and change the port number
  • go to and change the port number

Line Beacon Setup

  1. Go to LINE Developer Beacon.
  2. Click the Line Simple Beacon button.
  3. Select the Linebot you created.
  4. Click the Hardware ID button.
  5. Copy the Hardware ID and go to https://<your_domain>/admin/beacon/ and create a new beacon.

