Library for converting meshes in various ways
- You can convert a mesh(EditableMesh) to Parts, Unions, or obj file.
- Converting MeshParts to Parts or Unions can achieve a variety of effects (since each face can be moved independently).
- It can be used without significant performance degradation.
You can get the converted mesh with the MeshConvert.Convert function.
MeshConvert.Convert(InputType, MeshData, OutputType, options)
InputType: One of MeshConvert.Enums.InputType
MeshData: The mesh you want to convert (depending on InputType)
OutputType: One of MeshConvert.Enums.OutputType
options: Options for the conversion (Type is MeshConvert.Options, can be nil.)
If InputType or OutputType is MeshPart, go to the Security tab in your game settings and enable Allow Mesh/Image API.
local MeshConvert = require(script.MeshConvert)
local options: MeshConvert.Options = {partAmountInUnion = 40}
local Output = MeshConvert.Convert(MeshConvert.Enums.InputType.MeshPart, workspace["Meshes/something"], MeshConvert.Enums.OutputType.UnionGroup, options)
Output.Parent = workspace